jlorente member since: Mar 02, 2015

jlorente's packages

  • jlorente/yii2-image

    A Yii2 extension to provide the framework with a powerful backend and frontend tool to manipulate images and attach them to models

  • PHP


    A Yii2 extension that includes database tables, models and an admin module to store locations.

  • PHP


    A Yii2 extension of the jlorente/yii2-locations module that provides the module with all the spanish regions and cities.

  • PHP


    A Yii2 extension that allows the user to attach an image to a model and optionally resize it

  • PHP


    Yii2 Notification Module provides Yii2 with a powerful notification architecture

  • PHP


    A Yii2 extension that includes the concept of roles in the framework. Useful to handle user access to controllers actions allowed only for some roles and filter database resources.

  • PHP


    A Yii2 extension that provides the Yii framework with the functionality of creating and assigning tags to your models.

  • PHP


    A compilation of useful validators for the Yii2 framework.

  • JavaScript


    A Yii2 plugin that provides the framework with a weekly schedule selector to attach to models that need a weekly schedule organization.

  • PHP


    Widget to add a remaining character counter to text inputs and textareas

  • PHP


    A PHP package to access the Zadarma API by a comprehensive way.