Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
Asynchronous cooperative task scheduler
38 0
PHP 5.5+ delegate system
159 3
PHP 5.5+ complex event processor
17 3
PHP 5.5+ filtering component
19 3
PHP 5.5+ enumerator pattern implementation
374 2
PHP 5.5+ filtering pattern implementation
432 1
PHP 5.4+ magic interception system using traits
13 1
PHP 5.5+ event layer
314 0
PHP 5.5+ lightweight persistence layer
5 0
PHP 5.5+ object prototyping system using traits
5 2
PHP 5.5+ quasi integrated query
110 16
PHP 5.5+ I/O utility package
108 6
Web socket server/client using php and javascript
14 2
PHP 5.5+ utility library
723 5
PHP 5.5+ magic mediator and native state transformation utility