hichemtab-tech member since: Apr 19, 2023
hichemtab-tech's packages
LangifyLaravel is a powerful Laravel language generation library that automates the process of creating language files for multilingual support. With just one language file, it generates translations for multiple languages, making localization a breeze.
Laravel-ProjectAssist is a comprehensive toolkit for Laravel developers. It includes custom console commands, service providers, and utility classes that enhance productivity and simplify common tasks in Laravel project development. With thorough documentation and examples, this toolkit streamlines setup, reduces boilerplate code, and improves overall efficiency.
ReqEase-PHP: The PHP backend for ReqEase - A powerful library for seamless form handling and validation on the web. Integrate with ReqEase on the front end for efficient form processing.
TokensValidation is a PHP library for secure authentication and authorization in web applications. It generates dynamic tokens for user login, password reset, and email confirmation. The library is ideal for software that requires secure user authentication and authorization.