Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
Roles & Permissions for Laravel
172 618 444
MoIP Subscriptions PHP Client
72 10
Restinga is a framework that allows you to easily consume Rest APIs
680 11
Easy to use, multi-language BIP39 implementation for PHP.
2 601 14
AWS SDK for PHP - Use Amazon Web Services in your PHP project
5 501 0
CLI Tool for H264 video manipulations
29 3
CODECASTS Application
2 200
Domain Support Providers and Base Classes
22 0
Flysystem adapter for the AWS S3 SDK v3.x
5 497 0
The Laravel Framework - CODECASTS Skeleton.
122 49
Dead simple JWT Auth Provider for Laravel 5.4+
116 440 234
NuSOAP re-packaged for Packagist/Composer
255 416 19
View Presenter Package from CODECASTS
736 1
codecasts/laravel support meta-package.
603 1
HipChat PHP Client Wrapper for Laravel 4 and 5
32 715 27