eboreum member since: Jul 02, 2021

eboreum's packages

  • PHP


    Cast any PHP value to a sensible, human readable string. Great for type-safe outputs, exception messages, transparency during debugging, and similar things. Also helps avoiding innate problems such as printing endless, circular referencing objects (endless recursion), limits the output for large arrays and long strings, and prevents (opt-in) the outputting of sensitive strings like passwords.

  • PHP


    A caster formatter for Doctrine entities (see doctrine/orm), specifically.

  • PHP


    Wish you had generics in PHP? This library provides a sensible means of managing collections of data (i.e. arrays with restrictions), immutably, until such a time that PHP generics are bestowed upon us.

  • PHP


    Create and format PHP exceptions easily. Automatically unravel method arguments. Ensure that sensitive strings like passwords, tokens, PHPSESSID, etc. are being masked and thus will instead appear as e.g. "******" in the resulting text.

  • PHP


    Do you miss the old "withConsecutive" method in PHPUnit? This library fixes that problem for you.