Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
Implementation of HTTP Middleware PSR-15 specification
5 589 30
PHP Kafka client - binding librdkafka via FFI
47 671 79
libclang binding via ffi
23 0
Source code documentation generator for PHP libraries
7 053 2
FFI binding generator
7 390 13 api client library based on guzzle 5
923 3 REST api client library based on guzzle 5
187 0
Backbone.js Asset bundle for yii2
9 956 1
Yii2 extension for webservice api
638 1
Yii2 extension REST api
113 1
Use loggly cloud log management service as log target within Yii2 apps.
22 875 3