deployment-ITS member since: Jan 21, 2021

deployment-ITS's packages

  • PHP


    A very simple and safe PHP library that enables easy redis cache warmup from MySQL/MariaDB Database. This uses EaseAmpMysql and EaseAmpRedis packages, that wraps up the AmPHP related MySQL and Redis Packages to interact with MySQL/MariaDB database and also with Redis in-memory cache in an asynchronous & non-blocking way.

  • PHP


    A very simple and safe PHP library to execute SQL Queries as Prepared Statements on MySQL Database, in an asynchronous & non-blocking way. Methods are provided to prepare a SQL Statement & it's execution separately as different methods (to facilitate caching of prepared statements) as well as together in a single method too, all basing upon Amphp, an event driven concurrent framework in php and its Amphp\Mysql package.

  • PHP


    A very simple and safe PHP library to execute SQL Queries as Prepared Statements on MySQL Database, in an asynchronous & non-blocking all basing upon amphp/mysql package. Additional checks are supported in terms of facilitating creation and verification of row level digital signature for different database tables along with creation of blind indexes of data in encrypted db columns, using easeappphp/ea-halite package.

  • PHP


    A very simple and safe PHP library that provides methods to access redis cache in php applications. This wraps up the AmPHP related Redis Package to interact with Redis in-memory cache in an asynchronous & non-blocking way.