Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
Laravel macro that help make search on eloquent model
19 1
Easily work with UUIDs in your Laravel models
184 1
Flexible Flash notifications for Laravel
56 1
A Bunch of authentication features for laravel
44 1
Allows you to store users password history
132 1
Repository Pattern implementation for Laravel
89 1
21 0
Customize Laravel Form Request
115 0
Easily sanitize your form data
195 3
Laravel package to make easy search on Eloquent model
112 1
A bunch of security focused features 💪
1 1
Support multi theme for Laravel application
3 1
A Users Management Package that includes many features arround user
63 1
Usefull helpers for laravel projects
Create random Chuck Norris jokes