Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
Testsuite for the Booosta PHP Framework
5 0
Extra tools for Booosta PHP Framework
94 0
Tooltips for webapplications in the Booosta Framework
7 0
Translation module for Booosta PHP Framework
96 0
User interface classes for Booosta PHP Framework
76 0
Datepicker for Booosta PHP Framework
62 0
HTML modal box for Booosta PHP Framework
61 0
Jquery select for Booosta PHP Framework
Sortable tables for webapplications in the Booosta Framework
16 0
Powerful textarea widgets for webapplications in the Booosta Framework
2 0
File upload tool for webapplications in the Booosta Framework
File upload in HTML form for Booosta PHP Framework
Multiple file upload in HTML form for Booosta PHP Framework
59 0
Provide URLs without ? and & for parameters for Booosta PHP Framework
56 0
User system for Booosta PHP Framework