artur-graniszewski member since: Feb 20, 2017

artur-graniszewski's packages

  • PHP


    PDO Proxy is a simple, event-driven PDO wrapper that allows to intercept and alter execution of all PDO methods. The PDOProxy\PDO and PDOProxy\PDOStatement classes extend the native PDO and PDOStatement classes, therefore they are compatible with any method expecting regular PDO objects.

  • PHP


    This class can generate a text that looks like a given image. It traverses the pixels of a given image and converts the color values of each region to a character text, so when you look at the sequence of converted characters it looks like the original image. The result text can optionally be outputted formatted as HTML and be displayed in color.

  • PHP


    An advanced image processing library.

  • PHP


    This library can be used to limit (throttle) the speed of files served for download. It intercepts the PHP script output by setting a buffering handler that is called every time a given number of bytes are served to the browser. The library measures the time since the last time the PHP output buffer was flushed and hold on PHP for a while if the average download speed is above a given limit.

  • PHP


    A collection of PHP programming language APIs that offer features for intensive I/O operations.

  • PHP


    A native PHP, event-driven, preemptive Multitasking Runtime Environment and Service Management System integrated with Zend Framework 3. It's main purpose is to perform multiple tasks (processes) concurrently.