ak_eliseev member since: Jul 30, 2018

ak_eliseev's packages

  • PHP


    This library provides a simple work with exceptions for both development and production.

  • PHP


    A Singleton Design Pattern which allow easy used singleton class.

  • PHP


    A simple library for management the DOM (XML, HTML) document.

  • cse/helpers

    CSE HELPERS is a collection of several libraries for the rapid development of web applications.

  • PHP


    Array helpers provides extra static methods allowing you to deal with arrays more efficiently.

  • PHP


    The helpers allows you to easily manage cookie data. SET, HAS, GET, REMOVE cookie data - all this is available in this library.

  • PHP


    The helpers allows you to easy use DATE. Change format, add/sub day, diff date, get quarter - all this is available in this library.

  • PHP


    The helpers allows you manipulating, extract, detecting email.

  • PHP


    The helpers allows you to manipulating network IP addresses (IPv4 and IPv6).

  • PHP


    The helpers allows you to JSON processing. Encode, decode, check error, throw exception - all this is available in this library.

  • PHP


    A mathematics helpers, providing functionality for numbers converter.

  • PHP


    The helpers allows you manipulating, extract, detecting phone.

  • PHP


    The helpers allows you to Request processing. Get value for POST/GET/REQUEST method by key and set default value, check exist AJAX, POST and GET method - all this is available in this library.

  • PHP


    The helpers allows you to easily manage session data. START, SET, GET DELETE, HAS method session - all this is available in this library.

  • PHP


    The helpers allows you to modify string data. Inclination, transliterate, convert month date and convert number or amount to word - all this is available in this library.