ahdavis member since: Jul 30, 2019

ahdavis's packages

  • bonsaicode/debug

    Debug utility class providing an improved version of print_r that shows variable types, and trace and hex_dump methods.

  • bonsaicode/filelock

    Used to prevent a script from being run more than once at the same time by providing mutex functionality via locking a file on the local machine.

  • bonsaicode/mailgun

    MailGun API Wrapper to easily send messages using MailGun's API including support for attachments and inline/embedded images.

  • bonsaicode/redis

    Implementation of the Redis Redlock algorithm, which is used to ensure only one server carries out a process in an environment where multiple duplicate servers exist, e.g. GCP auto-scaling load balancer.

  • bonsaicode/session

    Session handling for PHP, with built-in controls for handling unstable (mobile) network connections.

  • bonsaicode/timer

    Timer utility class for benchmarking your PHP code.