Steveorevo member since: Jul 22, 2015

Steveorevo's packages

  • PHP


    Allows for easy querying and updating of popular configuration and source code file formats (Apache config, PHP, ini, etc).

  • PHP


    This object provides additional enhanced options for WordPress CPT (custom post types) by allowing additional options in the CPT post registration.

  • PHP


    Implements OOP String handling with useful parsing functions.

  • PHP


    JSON2MySQL is a JSON import tool with support for PHP serialization.

  • PHP


    MySQL2JSON is a database to JSON export tool with support for serialized PHP.

  • PHP


    Allows your composer projects to easily install platform dependent packages from remote URLs to a custom folder.

  • steveorevo/sfx-stubs

    A library of cross-platform, self-extracting, CLI RAR archive stubs.

  • PHP


    Provides programmable interactive access to the native OS command line. Commands can be virtually typed, paused, or terminated. Methods can be used to retrieve progress and output.

  • PHP


    WP-Hooks is a base class that minimizes the overhead of creating WordPress plugins and functions. Simply create a class that extends the WP_Hooks class and start defining functions for the given action, filter, shortcode or registration event.

  • PHP


    Implements OOP String handling with useful parsing functions.

    Abandoned! See steveorevo/gstring