KatsuoRyuu member since: Apr 05, 2014

KatsuoRyuu's packages

  • PHP


    An extension of the console modules in ZF2, this handles boxes grid views and more.

  • PHP


    This is for helping create a new module, the newly build template will be stored in the defaule data folder

  • PHP


    This modules lets you access the settings in zf by using the object way and targeting functions

  • PHP


    A template constructor that can be used for creating module templates

  • PHP


    This is a simple library for encoding and decoding Base64Url, the basis of this is that the Base64 is not URL safe due to the characters `+`, `/` and `=`, so this encode replaces these characters with `=` to ``, `+` to `-` and `/` to `_` for the purpose of using it in the URL