AbdulBasetRS member since: Jun 13, 2023

AbdulBasetRS's packages

  • PHP


    A comprehensive activity Tracker for Laravel projects.

  • PHP


    PHP number format package for formating numbers or converting numbers to words

  • PHP


    The Paymob Payment Gateway PHP package is a convenient integration for developers seeking to integrate Paymob's payment services into their PHP applications. This package streamlines the process of initiating and managing payments, offering support for various payment methods, including mobile wallets and card payments.

  • PHP


    A PHP package for standardizing and formatting API and web responses.

  • PHP


    The RolesAndPermissions package is a Laravel package that provides a simple and flexible way to manage user roles and permissions in your application. It allows you to define roles and assign permissions to those roles, and then assign roles to users. This makes it easy to manage access control in your application and ensure that users only have access to the parts of the application that they need.

  • PHP


    A comprehensive tracker activity for Laravel projects.