zxygel0913 / query-logger-middleware
Laravel middleware for logging queries with duplicate prevention.
- php: ^7.4
The Laravel Query Logger Middleware is a package that provides a middleware for logging database queries with duplicate prevention in Laravel applications.
You can install this package via Composer:
composer require zxygel0913/query-logger-middleware
To use the Query Logger Middleware, you can add it to your routes or controllers:
use Zxygel0913\QueryLoggerMiddleware\LogQueries; // ... public function __construct() { $this->middleware(LogQueries::class); }
The middleware will automatically log executed database queries along with additional context such as URL origin and IP address.
The package provides the flexibility to customize the middleware behavior by publishing its configuration file. To publish the configuration file, run the following command:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=query-logger-config
This will create a query-logger.php configuration file in your application's config directory. You can modify this file to adjust the middleware's settings.
Contributions are welcome! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue on GitHub.
This package is open-source software licensed under the MIT license.