
Apigility HtmlNegotiation module

1.0.0 2019-02-12 15:16 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:13:06 UTC


HtmlNegotiation module for Apigility.

Response type is based on Accept header :

  • request that specifies text/html (or text/*+html) get the content in HTML
  • application/hal+json (or application/*+json) request get the content in HalJson as usual.


Install composer in your project

curl -s http://getcomposer.org/installer | php

Define dependencies in your composer.json file

    "require": {
        "zpetr/apigility-htmlnegotiation" : "1.*"

Finally install dependencies

php composer.phar install

or update it

php composer.phar update


  • Add zPetr\HtmlNegotiation to config/modules.config.php:
	return array(
    	'modules' => array(
  • Go to admin, select your API and change Content Negotiation Selector to HTML-HalJson
  • Add text/html to Accept whitelist and Content-Type whitelist. Add other headers if needed.
  • Save configuration



If you want to personalize custom layout template:

  1. Copy default zpetr/apigility-htmlnegotiation/view/layout.phtml template to the view folder of your module (why not to Application module)
  2. Add this to module config:
	'view_manager' => array(
		'template_map' => array(
			'zpetr/htmlnegotiation/layout'	=> __DIR__ . '/../view/layout.phtml',
		'template_path_stack' => array(
			__DIR__ . '/../view',

API response templates

To customize any API template:

  1. Create view folder in your API directory. For example, if you have API named Foo with REST service named Bar, create:
  2. Create get.phtml for Entity template and get_list.phtml for Collection template. You can use default ones from zpetr/apigility-htmlnegotiation/view/zf/rest/ folder.