
AMQP abstraction library over php-amqplib for PHP (5.3+)

dev-master 2015-09-06 20:58 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-11 15:35:14 UTC


MQlib is an AMQP abstraction library over php-amqplib for PHP (5.3+).

php-amqplib is a great library, but really painful to use because of it's bad interface. Every time I had to remember the meaning of each param from exchange_declare() or queue_declare(). This library tries to address that issue provinding an easier interface to quickly develop producers and consumers.


Via composer.json

"require": {
    "znk3r/mqlib": "dev-master"

Basic Usage


Basic producer


use znk3r\MQlib\Producer;
use znk3r\MQlib\Exchange\Fanout;
use znk3r\MQlib\Message\Json as JsonMessage;

$producer = new Producer;
$producer->getBroker()->setTimeout(2); // seconds

$exchange = new Fanout('my_exchange');
$message = new JsonMessage($data);

$producer->publish($message, $exchange);



use znk3r\MQlib\Producer;
use znk3r\MQlib\Exchange\Fanout;
use znk3r\MQlib\Message\Text as TextMessage;

$producer = new Producer;

$producer->sendTo(new Fanout('my_exchange'));

foreach ($i = 0; $i < 100; $i++) {
    $producer->publish(new TextMessage($i));



Fanout Consumer


use znk3r\MQlib\Consumer;
use znk3r\MQlib\Queue\Queue;
use znk3r\MQlib\Exchange\Fanout;

$exchange = new Fanout('my_exchange');

$queue = new Queue('my_queue);

$consumer = new Consumer('consumer_name');
$consumer->listen($queue, function($msg) {
    echo $msg->getBody().PHP_EOL;