
Easy-To-Use PHP Library For Google Drive

v0.2.2 2024-08-13 06:05 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-13 07:15:48 UTC


  • Installation

    $ composer require zlt/php-google-drive
  • Setup

    $clientId = 'clientId';
    $clientSecret = 'clientSecret';
    $refreshToken = 'refreshToken';
    $config = new GoogleDriveConfig(clientId: $clientId, clientSecret: $clientSecret, refreshToken: $refreshToken);
    $service = new GoogleDriveService($config);

If you don't know how to find the credentials i.e, clientId, clientSecret, refreshToken, read here.

  • Usage

  • Creating Content

    Use put method which accepts three parameters:

    • content - contents to be stored
    • fileName - filename of content to be stored
    • dir - If not specified, file will be stored under root. Otherwise, file will be stored under specifed dir.
    $service->put('This is example text', 'example.txt');
    $service->put('This is text will be stored under specified dir','example.txt','12sdf_sdfjopwoeriupsdf')
  • Getting File

    Use get method which accepts two parameters and return Google\Drive\DriveFile or GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response

    • fileName - filename of content to be stored
    • params - If not specified, empty array is passed.
    // or
    $service->get('xxxxxxxxxxxxx', [
      // pass parameters
  • Getting File Content

    Use getContent method which return GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response.

    • fileName - filename of content to be stored
  • Creating Dir

    Use makeDirectory which accepts two parameters:

    • folderName - folderName
    • dir - If not specified, folder will be created under root. Otherwise, folder will be created under specifed dir.
    $service->makeDirectory('New Folder');
    $service->makeDirectory('New Folder Under Specified Dir','12sdf_sdfjopwoeriupsdf')
  • Copy File

    Use copy which accepts three parameters:

    • fromId - fileId
    • fileName - fileName
    • dir - If not specified, folder will be created under root. Otherwise, folder will be created under specifed dir.
    $service->copy('1kojo32uoiuo123','new file.txt');
    $service->copy('1kojo32uoiuo123','new file.txt','12sdf_sdfjopwoeriupsdf')
  • List Contents

    Use listContents method which accepts two parameters: path which is either pathId, fileName, folderName ,and recursive which decide to show children contents.

      // List files inside root dir.
      // List files inside 'shared with me' folder.
  • List Directories

    Use directories method which accepts two parameters: path which is either pathId, fileName, folderName

      // List files inside root dir.
      // List files inside 'shared with me' folder.
  • List Files

    Use files method which accepts two parameters: path which is either pathId, fileName, folderName

      // List files inside root dir.
      // List files inside 'shared with me' folder.
  • Delete File or Folder

    Delete file
