
PHP router as simple as can be

1.0 2018-07-10 14:53 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-09 17:10:40 UTC


PHP router as simple as can be...

  • simple and fast yet complex routing
  • both static and dynamic routes
  • supports GET, POST, PUT, DELETE and PATCH requests



Basic usage

$router = new Zkrati\Routing\SimpleRouter();

$router->get("/test", function() {
    // handle GET request at /test

$router->post("/test", function() {
    // handle POST request at /test


simple right?

You can also use other handler declarations

$router->get("/test/path", "Class:methodName");
// this code will create an instance of Class and call it's method methodName

$router->get("/test/path", "Namespace\Class:methodName");
// if you are using namespaces

If you need to create your own instance for some reason, you can pass the created instance

$instance = new Class();
$router->get("/testuju/path", array($instance, "methodName"));
// this code will use the given instance of Class and call it's method methodName


You will propably need to map routes with some varibles in it. It was never been easier.

$router->get("/test/<variable>/<next_variable>/path", function($variables) {
    // variables <variable> and <next_variable> are available in array $variables by it's keys
    // for example with url /test/example/showcase/path
    echo $variables["variable"];      // will output "example"
    echo $variables["next_variable"]; // will output "showcase"


If you need to add the parameters to url, you can. It will be passed to your handler as second parameter.

$router->get("/test/<variable>/<next_variable>/path", function($variables, $params) {
    // for url /test/example/showcase/path?optional=true&param=john will passed array $params look like:
    // array(2) {
    //     ["optional"] => string(4) "true"
    //     ["param"] => string(4) "john"
    //   }

Url wildcards

If you are in situation when you are interested only in first half of the path you can use a wildcard.

$router->get("/test/path/*", "Class:methodName");
// this code will match all paths starting /test/path/ for example:
//  - /test/path/first
//  - /test/path/second
//  - /test/path/every/other/path

You can even use it as a wildcard for all requests, for example:

$router->option("*", "Class:methodName");
// This will handle all option requests

You can also combine it with variables:

$router->get("/test/<variable>/*", "Class:methodName");


Sometimes is useful to know the request headers. You don't need to search it somewhere anymore. Just add third parameter to your handler function.

$router->get("/test/<variable>/<next_variable>/path", function($variables, $params, $headers) {
    // variable $headers is array which contains all request headers 


It is a good idea to wrap route declarations into try catch because in case of invalid handler it will throw InvalidHandlerException


    $router->get("/test/", "Class:firstMethod");
    $router->get("/other/route", "Class:secondMethod");
    $router->get("/cool/route", "invalid handler");
} catch(InvalidHandlerException $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();

also $router->run(); throws RouteNotFoundException when it founds no route for current url

} catch(RouteNotFoundException $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();


If you have custom class in your app which manages instances of all other classes and you want tou use string handler definition you can pass your instantiator into router. The router will get class instances from your custom instantiator.

$router->setInstantiator($instantiator, "getInstance");
// where $instantiator is your custom instantiator and "getInstance" is name of it´s method to get instance


  • define variable types and regexp
  • add cache support
