
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Introspect and edit config values from the command line

2.0.2 2017-02-20 10:10 UTC


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Not to be confused with Google. Google finds anything, Goggle will help you look at anything.

Nearly anything ;)

What is it?

A command line tool to easily read values from config files and output them in several different formats, with chaining through piping in mind.

Supported formats

  • Input: json, yaml and ini
  • Output: json, yaml, ini, text (column based), formatted console table, markdown table


Read a 'deep' value from a configuration file

goggle get -i FILE element0..elementN [-O=FORMAT]

Read value FILE from path element0..elementN and output it in the specified format.

For example given a JSON string {"a": {"b": {"c": 123}}}, reading the value '123' would be done by executing goggle get a b c

Process a set of values

# Each of the records in the file FILE will be mapped by key `name`, and only fields
# 'author' and 'name'  are kept, other fields are dropped.

goggle process -i FILE mapBy name fields author name 


Example 1

Show package names, versions and authors, extracted from composer.lock

goggle get -i ./composer.lock packages \
    | goggle process -I json fields name version authors \
    | goggle process -I json mapBy name 

Or only get the one for symfony/symfony:

goggle get -i ./composer.lock packages | goggle process -I json fields name version authors | goggle process -I json mapBy name | goggle get "symfony/symfony"

Example 2

Read the database host name from the following file and output it's value:

goggle get -I yaml parameters database_host -O json -O text < app/config/parameters_staging.yml

Given the following file:

    database_host: foo

This would output:


Example 3

See all values available in a composer lock file

goggle get -i composer.lock -O dump

Or read all package names and versions from a composer lockfile:

goggle get -i composer.lock | goggle fields name version

Example 4

Or simply convert yml to json:

goggle get app/config/parameters.yml -O json


goggle get -I yaml -o json < ./app/config/parameters.yml

Example 5

Set the database host name in the following file:

    database_host: localhost

Running this:

goggle set -e app/config/parameters_staging.yml parameters database_host remote_host

Will change the value to:

    database_host: remote_host

Of course the -e flag is especially useful for this command, but it's not compulsory.

More documentation by example

Read the behat features to see more possibilities.


Read the wiki for a more detailed reference.