
Calculate the distance between coordinates.

1.0.1 2017-05-26 07:35 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-03-29 03:44:25 UTC


Calculate the distance between coordinates.

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This package uses the UnitAngle and UnitLength classes from nmarfurt/measurements. Further, resulting measurements, like distance, are represented by a Measurement. To make full use of this library, it is recommended to familiarize oneself with that package first.


composer require zero-config/geo-distance

Procedural approach

To use the data models for coordinates and distance calculation in a procedural manner, try the following:

use function ZeroConfig\GeoDistance\coordinates;
use function ZeroConfig\GeoDistance\distance;

// Returns a distance of approximately 361 kilometers.
// The distance function uses the distance calculator under the hood.
// It assumes earth as base sphere for calculations.
echo distance(
    coordinates(50.0, 5.0),
    coordinates(53.0, 3.0)
) . PHP_EOL;


The coordinates function accepts:

  • float $latitude
  • float $longitude

Both are a number representing an angle in degrees.

It returns an instance of:


use function ZeroConfig\GeoDistance\coordinates;

// This outputs: 50.6 °
echo coordinates(50.6, 5.0)->getLatitude() . PHP_EOL;


The distance function accepts:

  • ZeroConfig\GeoDistance\PositionInterface $start
  • ZeroConfig\GeoDistance\PositionInterface $end

Both are positions on a sphere.

It returns an instance of:


use function ZeroConfig\GeoDistance\coordinates;
use function ZeroConfig\GeoDistance\distance;
use Measurements\Units\UnitLength;

// Outputs: 36113.471850273 dam
echo distance(
    coordinates(50.0, 5.0),
    coordinates(53.0, 3.0)
)->convertTo(UnitLength::decameters()) . PHP_EOL;

Object oriented approach

The following data models exist:

  • Position, combined latitude and longitude
  • Sphere, the object on which coordinates are plotted when calculating distance
use ZeroConfig\GeoDistance\ConvertedDistanceCalculator;
use ZeroConfig\GeoDistance\DistanceCalculator;
use ZeroConfig\GeoDistance\Position;
use ZeroConfig\GeoDistance\Sphere\CelestialBody\Mars;
use Measurements\Units\UnitLength;

$marsDistanceCalculator = new ConvertedDistanceCalculator(
    new DistanceCalculator(new Mars()),

// On Mars, the same coordinates as on earth, give a distance of only 192 kilometers.
echo $marsDistanceCalculator->calculate(
    Position::create(50.0, 5.0),
    Position::create(53.0, 3.0)
) . PHP_EOL;