
This package makes the integration of Esewa payment gateway easier.

v1.1.0 2024-02-17 17:09 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-17 18:09:34 UTC


This package is for Laravel Framework making super easy for developers to integrate the eSewa payments into Laravel Application and use instantly. For more details read Official eSewa Documentation.


Install this Package – Using Composer.

Composer Installation

composer require zerkxubas/esewa-laravel

Sail Installation

sail composer require zerkxubas/esewa-laravel

Publishing The Configurations

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=esewa

This will publish esewa.php inside the config directory of your laravel project.

.env Settings [ Development Mode ]

inside the .env file use these below config values for quick setup. For, Production Mode ensuure you set ESEWA_DEBUG_MODE=false & use The Production ESEWA_API_URL and also the ESEWA_MERCHAND_CODE in .env file


NOTE: i prefer to use the Sail environment for development so the url seems to be without any port here in my .env but you can specify any url which works for you.

Quick Examples

Easily Create an eSewa Portal Payment Checkout

In this method i have made it super simpler & easier to implement & use instantly in laravel projects. Use like the below example code inside your controller and this will take the user to the esewa payment portal.

// use the namespace
use Zerkxubas\EsewaLaravel\Facades\Esewa;

// Directly use like this inside the controller function code.
return Esewa::checkout($paymentID,$totalAmount,$taxAmount,$serviceCharge,$deliveryCharge);

Dont Forget To Create The Success & Failure Route


  1. pid => paymentID
  2. amt => totalAmount
  3. txAmt => taxAmount
  4. psc => serviceCharge
  5. pdc => deliveryCharge

Testing Credentials

Default credentials provided by esewa for testing or development purpose.

eSewa ID: 9806800001/2/3/4/5

Password: Nepal@123

Token: 123456

Verify Payment

To verify our payments status this is super simpler & easier just use like this and you are good to go.

// use the namespace
use Zerkxubas\EsewaLaravel\Facades\Esewa;

// Taking the get request return parameters.
$paymentID = $_GET['oid'];
$transactionAmount = $_GET['amt'];
$refrenceID = $_GET['refId'] ;

// Verifying the Esewa Payment, [ returns, Either true or false ]
$paymentStatus = Esewa::verifyPayment($refrenceID,$paymentID,$transactionAmount);

if ($paymentStatus) {
    // Success payment.


This package is open-sourced & free to use licensed under the MIT license.


Reading esewa official documentation is highly recommended as there might be new changes in future so its crucial for a developer to be updated with the latest changes.