
This package allows you to created DataTransferObjects without pain

v2.0.4 2024-09-20 12:52 UTC



To install the package via Composer, run the following command:

composer require zendrop/data

How To Use

Creating Data Models

  1. Implement Interfaces: Your models should implement DataInterface and ToArrayInterface.
  2. Use Traits: Incorporate DataTrait and ToArrayTrait for functionality.
  3. Handle Arrays: For validating arrays, use the ArrayOf attribute. Mark fields that can be skipped with Skippable.
  4. Nested Structures: You can create models within models.
  5. Enums: Use BackedEnum for enum types.

Code Example


use Zendrop\Data\DataInterface;
use Zendrop\Data\DataTrait;
use Zendrop\Data\Attributes\ArrayOf;
use Zendrop\Data\Skippable;
use Zendrop\Data\ToArrayInterface;
use Zendrop\Data\ToArrayTrait;

class Tag implements DataInterface, ToArrayInterface
    use DataTrait;
    use ToArrayTrait;

    public function __construct(
        public readonly string $name
    ) {

enum Occupation: string
    case Manager: 'manager';
    case Developer: 'developer';

class User implements DataInterface, ToArrayInterface
    use DataTrait;
    use ToArrayTrait;

    public function __construct(
        public readonly int $id,
        public readonly string $userName,
        /** @var Tag[] */
        public readonly array $tags,
        public readonly Occupation $occupation,
        public readonly string|Skippable $bio = Skippable::Skipped
    ) {

Instantiation and Serialization

Create objects from arrays with automatic type conversion and key normalization. Serialize objects back to arrays with flexible key formatting.

// Create a User object from an array
$user = User::from([
    'id' => '42',                // will be converted to int
    'user_name' => 'John Doe',
    'tags' => [
        ['name' => 'friend'],    // will be converted to Tag class
        ['name' => 'zendrop']
    'occupation' => 'developer'  // will be converted to Occupation enum
    // 'bio' is optional and skipped here

// Serialize the User object to an array
$arraySnakeCase = $user->toArray(); // Default snake_case
$arrayCamelCase = $user->toArray(ToArrayCase::Camel);
$arrayKebabCase = $user->toArray(ToArrayCase::Kebab);