
A multi-purpose DataSet for Machine Learning algorithms training

dev-master 2017-08-29 14:41 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-16 03:33:31 UTC




A multi-purpose dataSet for Machine Learning algorithms training.

Create a DataSet

to create a DataSet to use for Zeeml Machine Learning, you need to specify a source : either a csv file or an array

Create a dataSet from a csv file

$dataSet =  DataSetFactory::create('/path/to/csv', ['name', 'Gender'], ['Height]);

The keys set in the header (first row of the CSV file) are used as keys for the dataSet

Create a dataSet from an Array

$dataSet =  DataSetFactory::create(
        ['name' => 'Zac',    'gender' => 'Male',    'height' => 180],
        ['name' => 'Emily',  'gender' => 'Female',  'height' => 177],
        ['name' => 'Edward', 'gender' => 'Male',    'height' => 175],
        ['name' => 'Mark',   'gender' => 'Male',    'height' => 183],
        ['name' => 'Lesly',  'gender' => 'Female',  'height' => 170],

Any other array format will throw an exception

Specify inputs and outputs

The prepare method must be called prior to any other call or an exception will be thrown.

$mapper = new Mapper(['name', 'gendre'], ['height']);

where ['name', 'gendre'] are the indexes to use as inputs and ['height'] are the indexes to use as outputs.

There is no limit to the number of inputs and outputs to pick from the entry

If a key does not exist it will throw an exception.

Manipulating the dataSet

In order to manipulate and change the values of the dataSet (cleaning, renaming ...) you can apply a "Policy".

A Policy is called when creating the Mapper. Each column can define multiple Policies :

$dataSet = DataSetFactory::create(
          [180, 'Male'],
          [177, 'Female'],
          [170, ''],
          [183, 'Male'],
$mapper = new Mapper(
        0 => [Policy::replaceWithAvg(), Policy::rename('height')], 
        1 => [Policy::skip()]

###Supported policies :

  • Policy::skip() : If the value at the corresponding index is empty (NULL, false, '') the whole row will be skipped

    Example :

    $data = [
        [1, 2, 3],
        [4, null, 5],
        [6, 7, null],
        [null, 8, 9],
    $dataSet =  DataSetFactory::create($data);
    $mapper = new Mapper([0, 1 => Policy::skip()], [2 => Policy::skip()]);
    will use the following Inputs/Outputs :
        [1, 2],                                        
        [null, 8], //No policy applied on 0           
  • Policy::replaceWith() : If the value at the corresponding index is empty (NULL, false, '') it will be replaced with the given value

    Example :

    $data = [
        [1, 2, 3],
        [4, null, 5],
        [6, 7, null],
        [null, 8, 9],
    $dataSet =  DataSetFactory::create($data);
    $mapper = new Mapper([0, 1 => Policy::replaceWith('Unknown')], [2 => Policy::replaceWith(-1)]);
    will use the following Inputs/Outputs :
        [1, 2],                                          
        [4, 'Unknown'],                                  
        [6, 7],                                          
        [null, 8], //No policy applied on 0              
  • Policy::replaceWithAvg() : The empty values will be replaced with the average value of that column calculated from the original DataSet.

    Example :

    $data = [
        [1, 2, 3],
        [4, null, 5],
        [6, 7, null],
        [null, 8, 9],
    $dataSet =  DataSetFactory::create($data);
    $mapper = new Mapper([0 => Policy::replaceWithAvg(), 1 => Policy::skip()], [2 => Policy::replaceWithAvg()]);
    will use the following Inputs/Outputs :
        [1, 2],                                                            
        [6, 7],                                                                                    
        [2.75, 8], // Avg(0) = 1 + 4 + 6 + 0 = 11 / 4 = 2.75               
  • Policy::replaceWithMostCommon() : The empty values will be replaced with the most common value (the value that occurs the most) If multiple values have the same frequency, one is taken randomly.

    Example :

    $data = [
        [1, 2, 3],
        [1, null, 5],
        [6, 7, null],
        [null, 8, 9],
    $dataSet =  DataSetFactory::create($data);
    $mapper = new Mapper([0=> Policy::replaceWithMostCommon(), 1 => Policy::skip()], [2]);
    will use the following Inputs/Outputs :
        [1, 2],                               
        [6, 7],                               
        [1, 8],                                
  • Policy::custom() : create your own Policy

    the callable function is only called when the value is empty. The callable must :

    • Take in a first parameter by reference which corresponds to the value of the column upon each iteration
    • Take in a second parameter which corresponds to the line
    • Return true to keep the line, false to skip it

    Example :

    $data = [
        [180, 'Male'],
        [177, 'Female'],
        [170, ''],
        [183, 'Male'],
    $dataSet =  DataSetFactory::create($data);
    $genderCleaner = function(&$value, $line) {
        if ($line[0] > 175) {
            $value = 'Male' ;
        } else {
            $value = 'Female';
        return true;
    $mapper = new Mapper([0], [1 => Policy::custom($genderCleaner)]);
    will use the following Inputs/Outputs :

Renaming keys of dataSet

You can rename the dataSet keys :

$data = [
    ['Zac',    'Male',    180],
    ['Emily',  'Female',  177],
    ['Edward', 'Male',    175],
    ['Mark',   'Male',    183],
    ['Lesly',  'Female',  170],
$dataSet =  DataSetFactory::create($data);
$mapper = new Mapper([0, 1], [2]);
$dataSet->rename([0 => 'Name', 1 => 'Gender', 2 => 'Height']);

and the inputs/outputs matrices used are :

Inputs :
    ['Name' => 'Zac',    'Gender' => 'Male'],
    ['Name' => 'Emily',  'Gender' => 'Female'],
    ['Name' => 'Edward', 'Gender' => 'Male'],
    ['Name' => 'Mark',   'Gender' => 'Male'],
    ['Name' => 'Lesly',  'Gender' => 'Female'],

Outputs :
    ['Height' => 180],
    ['Height' => 177],
    ['Height' => 175],
    ['Height' => 183],
    ['Height' => 170],