zaimealabs / charts
The ZaimeaLabs Laravel Livewire Charts.
Fund package maintenance!
- php: ^8.2
- ext-json: *
- illuminate/support: ^10.0|^11.0
- livewire/livewire: ^3.0
Requires (Dev)
- orchestra/testbench: ^8.0|^9.0
- phpunit/phpunit: ^10.0|^11.0
Apex Charts for Laravel.
Hey 👋 thanks for considering making a donation, with these donations I can continue working to contribute to ZaimeaLabs projects.
"repositories": [ { "type": "vcs", "url": "" } ]
composer require zaimealabs/charts
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=charts-config
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=charts-apexcharts-script
In your controller add:
$pie = Charts::pieChart() ->setDataset([150, 120]) ->setTitle('Posts') ->setLabels(['Published', 'No Published']);
Remember to import the Facade to your controller with
use ZaimeaLabs\Charts\Facades\Charts;
Or importing the Charts class:
use ZaimeaLabs\Charts\Charts;
In your Layouts (Blade file) add in :
Then in your view (Blade file) add: Note: if you want the charts to be dynamic, use the syntax (eg: livewire:charts-area-chart) for livewire.
{!! $chart->container() !!}
<div> <livewire:charts-area-chart key="{{ $areaChartModel->reactiveKey() }}" :area-charts="$areaChartModel" /> </div>
You can use command to make charts
php artisan make:charts ChartName
More Example
$donut = Charts::donutChart() ->addData([200, 240, 300]) ->setTitle('Top 3 active users from group.') ->setSubtitle('Season 2024.') ->setLabels(['User 3', 'User 10', 'User 91']);
$radial = Charts::radialChart() ->addData([4275, 105]) ->setTitle('Work efficiency.') ->setSubtitle('How many working hours and sick leave a user has.') ->setLabels(['Worked', 'Sick leave']) ->setColors(['#D32F2F', '#03A9F4']);
$line = Charts::lineChart() ->addData('Hours worked', [138, 138, 145, 145, 131, 82]) ->addData('Hours expected', [138, 140, 138, 145, 134, 82]) ->setTitle('Hours worked during 2024.') ->setSubtitle('Hours worked vs Hours expected.') ->setXAxis(['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June']);
$area = Charts::areaChart() ->addData('Hours worked', [138, 138, 145, 145, 131, 82]) ->addData('Hours expected', [138, 140, 138, 145, 134, 82]) ->setTitle('Hours worked during 2024.') ->setSubtitle('Hours worked vs Hours expected.') ->setXAxis(['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June']);
$bar = Charts::barChart() ->addData('User 3', [6, 9, 3, 4, 10, 8]) ->addData('User 91', [7, 3, 8, 2, 6, 4]) ->setTitle('User 3 vs User 91.') ->setSubtitle('Working hours during season 2024.') ->setXAxis(['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June']);
Customizing charts
Change chart colors dynamically
->setColors(['#ffc63b', '#ff6384'])
Customize Fonts
->setFontFamily('DM Sans') ->setFontColor('#ff6384')
Customize Chart Grid
->setGrid(); // empty adds a default style ->setGrid('#3F51B5', 0.1);
Customize Chart Markers
[#color1, #color2], $width , $hoverSize
->setMarkers(['#FF5722', '#E040FB'], 7, 10);
Set Sparkline
Set Theme
Set Toolbar
Set Tooltip
->setTooltip(bool, 'dark/light')
Set Animations