
A Package to Add Role and Permission

v0.1-beta 2018-06-22 01:17 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-02 08:06:16 UTC


This package allows you to add roles to users, add permissions to users and add permissions to role in your laravel app. It can be used in laravel 5.5 or higher.


composer require zaichaopan/access-granted



After install the package, run the migration command to migrate roles, permissions, role_user, permission_user, and permission_role tables.

php artisan migrate

The schema of the these tables

// roles
Schema::create('roles', function (Blueprint $table) {
// permissions
Schema::create('permissions', function (Blueprint $table) {
// permission_user
Schema::create('permission_user', function (Blueprint $table) {
    $table->unique(['user_id', 'permission_id']);
    $table->foreign('permission_id')->references('id')->on('permissions') ->onDelete('cascade');
// permission_role
Schema::create('permission_role', function (Blueprint $table) {
    $table->unique(['permission_id', 'role_id']);
// role_user
 Schema::create('role_user', function (Blueprint $table) {
    $table->unique(['role_id', 'user_id']);

Assign Role to user

To assign role to user, add HasRoles trait the User model

// User.php
class User extends Model
    use HasRoles;

This trait provides the follow methods

  • giveRole
public function giveRole(string ...$roleName): bool

It can be used to give a roles or multiple roles to a user. For example:

// you have roles in your  admin and manger

// or both
$user->giveRole('admin', 'manager');


If the user is given a role that he or she already has, the role won't be add again. And if the user is given a role that does not exist in the roles table, the invalid role won't be added.

  • updateRole
public function updateRole(string ...$roleNames) : self

It can be used to update user role. After calling this method on a user, he or she will only have the new roles. All the old roles will be removed.

public function updateRole(string ...$roleNames) : self


If the updated role cannot be found, the it will be ignore and the user still keeps his o her old roles.

  • removeRole
public function removeRole(string ...$roleNames) : self

It can be used to remove a role or multiple roles from user. For example:

// $user have admin and manager roles

// to move manger role

// to move both
$user->removeRole('manager', 'admin');


If the removed role cannot be found or the user doesn't have it, it will be ignored.

  • removeAllRoles
public function removeAllRoles() : self

It is used to remove all roles from the user. For example:

  • hasRole
public function hasRole(string ...$roles) : bool

It can be used to determine if a user has a role or any role from a list of roles. For example:


// it will return true if the user is admin or manager
$user->hasRole('admin', 'manager');

Assign Permission to Role

This package provides HasPermissions trait which is used by Role model by default. So you can give permissions to a role, you can use the following methods provided by the trait.

  • givePermissionTo
public function givePermissionTo(string ...$permissionNames): bool

It can be used to give a permission or multiple permissions to a role, for example:

// your have a role admin and you have permissions which names are: write post and delete post
$adminRole->givePermissionTo('write post');

// or both
$adminRole->givePermissionTo('delete post');

If the given permission is valid or is already give, it will be ignored.

  • updatePermissionTo
public function updatePermissionTo(string ...$permissionNames): bool

It can be used to update the permissions of a role. After calling this method on a role, only the new permissions remain and all the old permissions it has will be removed. If an invalid permission is provided, it will be ignore. If all the provided permissions are invalid, the method returns false and role will still keep its old permissions. For example:

$role->updatePermissionTo('read post');

// or both
$role->updatePermissionTo('read post', 'delete post');
  • withdrawPermissionTo
public function withdrawPermissionTo(string ...$permissionNames): bool

It can be used to withdraw a permission or multiple permissions from a role. If a withdrew permission is invalid, it will be ignored. If all the withdrew roles are invalid, the method returns false and the role will still keep its old permissions

$role->withdrawPermissionTo('read post');

// or both
$role->withdrawPermissionTo('read post', 'delete post');
  • withdrawAllPermissions
public function withdrawAllPermissions(): self

It can be used to withdraw all the permission from the role.

  • hasPermission
public function hasPermission(string $permission): bool

It can be used to determine if a role has a specific permission. For example:

$role->hasPermission('read post');

Add Permissions to User

To add permissions to user, you just need to add HasPermissions trait to your user model.

class User extends Model
    use HasRoles,

    // ...

Now you can use all the methods discussed above in add permissions to role section to give permissions.

Has Permission through Role

When we uses both HasRoles and HasPermissions trait in the User model, to determine if a user has a specific permission, we have to check if he or she has the permission through permissions table or if his or her role has this permission.

To make things easier, this package provides another trait HasPermissionThroughRole. To use it, just add it to your User model

class User extends Model

    use HasRoles, HasPermissions, HasPermissionThroughRole;

This trait provides a method hasPermissionThroughRole which can be used to determine if a user has a role that contains this permission. For example:

$user->hasPermissionThroughRole('write post');


If we call hasPermission method, it can only check if the user has the permission through the permissions table. To avoid confusion, we can alias this method when using hasPermissions trait and override the hasPermission method to include check user's role permissions.

use Zaichaopan\AccessGranted\Traits\{HasPermissions, HasRolePermissions, HasRoles};

class User extends Model
    use HasRoles,
        HasPermissions { hasPermission as hasPermissionThroughPermissionTrait; }

    protected $connection = 'testbench';

    protected $table = 'users';

    public function hasPermission(string $permission): bool
        return $this->hasPermissionThroughPermissionTrait($permission) || $this->hasPermissionThroughRole($permission);


This package provides two middleware: RoleMiddleware and PermissionMiddleware. They can be used to protect any route that needs a specific role and permission to access.

To use them, register them in your Kernel.php

protected $routeMiddleware = [
    'role' => \Zaichaopan\AccessGranted\Middleware\RoleMiddleware::class,
    'permission' => \Zaichaopan\AccessGranted\Middleware\PermissionMiddleware::class,

To use them:

class AdminController extends Controller
    public function __construct()
class PostsController extends Controller
    public function __construct()
        $this->middleware('permission:edit post')

Blade Directive

This package provides blade directive which can be used in your blade to protect content that only use with a given role can access.

<!-- content here  -->

To only allow user with given permission to access some content. Using

@can('edit post')
<!-- content here -->