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Yii safe exception 2022-01-02 10:28 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-29 04:56:25 UTC


Assalomu aleykum. These components will help you hide your exception and save it in your Yii application.


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

composer require zafarjonovich/yii-safe-exception

or add

"zafarjonovich/yii-safe-exception": "*"

to the require section of your composer.json file.

Package structure

Every exception will converts other specific type. Now this types have:

  • Json: \zafarjonovich\PHPSafeException\converter\JsonConverter::class
  • Xml: \zafarjonovich\PHPSafeException\converter\XMLConverter::class
  • Array: \zafarjonovich\PHPSafeException\converter\ArrayConverter::class
  • Text: \zafarjonovich\PHPSafeException\converter\TextConverter::class

Every converted exception will saves specific places. Now this places have:

  • Database: \zafarjonovich\YiiSafeException\saver\DBSaver::class
  • File: \zafarjonovich\YiiSafeException\saver\FileSaver::class
  • Telegram bot: \zafarjonovich\YiiSafeException\saver\TelegramBotSaver::class

Each saver has a personal configuration, if they are not confugurated, Exception will not be saved


  • TelegramBotSaver: token and chat_ids
  • FileSaver: filePath or pathGenerator


Add your app/config.php this component


$config = [
 'components' => [
	  'errorHandler' => [
            'class' => 'zafarjonovich\YiiSafeException\application\Web',
            'savers' => [
                    'class' => \zafarjonovich\YiiSafeException\saver\FileSaver::class,
                    'pathGenerator' => function() {
                        return Yii::getAlias('@app/web/exception-'.time().'.txt');
                    'class' => \zafarjonovich\YiiSafeException\saver\TelegramBotSaver::class,
                    'token' => 'TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN',
                    'chat_ids' => ['telegram_chat_id']
            'stringGeneratorClass' => \zafarjonovich\PHPSafeException\converter\TextConverter::class,
            'traceLevel' => 2,
            'prettyException' => true



If you need multiple exception savers you must add other saver component to savers property

If you need DBSaver

You must run this command
php yii migrate --migrationPath="@vendor/zafarjonovich/yii-safe-exception/src/migrations

And add savers this \zafarjonovich\YiiSafeException\saver\DBSaver::class