
API Swagger UI package for Laravel. A fork of hcesrl/laravel-swagger-api

dev-master 2024-06-28 20:15 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-28 22:03:04 UTC




This package is a fork of HCESrl/laravel-swagger-api, with some additional updates like as:

  • Support to Laravel 9
  • Support to PHP 7.4
  • Support to response with Schemas

The Package

The packages adds a layer on top of the Laravel routing system allowing you to easily add metadata to your routes in order to create a Swagger UI compliant API.

Table of contents


Install the package:

composer require hcesrl/laravel-swagger-api

Publish configuration and assets:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="LaravelApi\ServiceProvider"

Basic usage


The main configuration is located in the config/api.php file. Here you can set some general metadata for your API specification such as the title, the description, etc.

Make sure that the prefix is the same used in your RouteServiceProvider for the api routes.

HTTPS/Trusted proxies

In case your API is hosted behind a load balancer and does not generate proper secure urls, refer to the Laravel docs about configuring trusted proxies.


The Api facade works with the same syntax as the Route facade and you can use it directly in your routes/api.php file.

use LaravelApi\Facade as Api;

Api::get('some-uri', 'Controller@action');

Api::post('some-uri', function () {
    // do something

Note: the supported methods: get, post, put, delete, patch, options. There's no support for the match method because every route must be associated with a single Operation in the Swagger specification.

When you create a new route, the Api facade returns an instance of an Operation object. This object exposes some chainable configuration methods. The following example shows an extensive use of those methods.

use LaravelApi\Facade as Api;

Api::get('some-uri', 'Controller@action')
    ->setSummary('My operation summary')
    ->setDescription('My operation description')

Route parameters

You can define different types of route parameters after creating a route through the following methods:

  • addHeaderParameter
  • addQueryParameter
  • addPathParameter
  • addFormDataParameter
  • addBodyParameter

All these methods accept 4 parameters: name, description, required and type:

use LaravelApi\Facade as Api;

Api::post('post-uri', 'Controller@action')
    ->addHeaderParameter('header-name', 'Some description.')
    ->addQueryParameter('query-name', 'Some description.', true, 'integer')
    ->addPathParameter('path-name', 'Some description.', true, 'string')
    ->addFormDataParameter('formdata-name', 'Some description.', true, 'string')
    ->addBodyParameter('param-name', 'Some description.', true);

Note: the addBodyParameter method doesn't accept a type parameter, according to the Swagger specification.

If you need a deeper configuration for the parameter, you may pass a Closure function instead of a text description:

use LaravelApi\Facade as Api;

Api::post('post-uri-2', 'Controller@action')
    ->addQueryParameter('param-name', function($param) {
        $param->setDescription('Some param description')

Route path parameter auto-parsing

When you define a route containg path parameters using the Laravel syntax, the route URI will be automatically parsed for path parameters, both required and optional.

The route:

use LaravelApi\Facade as Api;

Api::get('some-uri/{param1}/{param2?}', 'Controller@action');

will be parsed and the two path parameters will be added automatically. You can still edit the paramaters configuration:

use LaravelApi\Facade as Api;

Api::get('some-uri/{param1}/{param2?}', 'Controller@action')
   ->addPathParameter('param1', function( $param) {
       $param->setDescription('Some description');
   ->addPathParameter('param2', 'Some other description.', false, 'integer');

It is also possible to disable the automatic route parsing from the main config file config/api.php setting parse_route_parameters to false.


Use the addResponse to define the route response types:

use LaravelApi\Facade as Api;

$pet = Schema::create()

        ->set('id', Schema::create()
        ->set('name', Schema::create()
        ->set('tag', Schema::create()
$error = Schema::create()

        ->set('code', Schema::create()
        ->set('error', Schema::create()

Api::get('some-uri', 'Controller@action')
   ->addResponse(200, 'Successful operation', $pet)
   ->addResponse(422, 'Validation error', $error);

Advanced configuration

General route parameters

You may need to register different routes using the same parameters (eg. lang or locale) and these could lead to a long and difficult to maintein routes file.

To avoid this you can register general reusable route parameters that will be automatically applied when parameters with the same are found in the route uris.

use LaravelApi\Facade as Api;

   ->setDescription('The request locale.')
   ->addOptions('en', 'it');
Api::get('{locale}/some-uri', 'Controller@action');

Guess parameters from FormRequest

In order to simplify the parameters registration, you may bind a Laravel FormRequest directly to a route and let the package guess the parameters from the request rules.

use LaravelApi\Facade as Api;

Api::post('some-uri', 'Controller@action')


In order to create a tag for your operations, you may call the tag method passing the name of the tag and its description, if needed.

You can also pass a callback function to create a group of operations automatically tagged with the given tag.

use LaravelApi\Facade as Api;


Api::tag('tag-with-description', 'Tag description', function() {
    Api::get('tagged-uri', 'Controller@action');

You may register many tags at once by passing an array to the tags method:

use LaravelApi\Facade as Api;

        'tag_1' => 'Some tag description',
        'tag_2' => 'Some other tag description'


If you want to group your routes by different version, you may use the version method. The grouped routes will be automatically prefixed and tagged with the given version name.

use LaravelApi\Facade as Api;

 * /api/v1/versioned-uri
Api::version('v1', function () {
    Api::get('versioned-uri', 'Controller@action');

 * /api/v2/versioned-uri
Api::version('v2', function () {
    Api::get('versioned-uri', 'Controller@action');

Aggregated resources endpoint

An aggregate endpoint is an API endpoint that returns a mixed collection of resources, combining both Eloquent models and data generated by Closures.

use LaravelApi\Facade as Api;

Api::aggregate('aggregate/uri', [
    'settings' => function(SettingStore $settings) {
        return $settings->all();

Note: closures require a non-numeric array key.

Aggregated models endpoint

Building a complex API may require the creation of several endpoints exposing models data. You can easily do this with the models shortcut. With this method you can create a general resource endpoints connected to a simple Resource controller that implements only the index and show actions and handles multiple models.

The following configuration:

use LaravelApi\Facade as Api;

    'pages' => \App\Page::class, 
    'users' => \App\User::class

is equivalent to:

use LaravelApi\Facade as Api;

Api::resource('models/pages', 'SomeController')
   ->only('index', 'show');
Api::resource('models/users', 'SomeController')
   ->only('index', 'show');

Customize the response

If you use custom API Resources to personalize the API data you can define the following methods within your models in order the provide the right resource to the API server.

class Foo extends Model 

    public function toApiResource($resource)
        return new MyCustomResource($resource);
    public function toApiResourceCollection($resource)
        return new MyCustomResourceCollection($resource);



In order to provide the security definitions for the specification you can use one the following methods:

use LaravelApi\Facade as Api;



   ->description('A description for the auth.')
       'write' => 'Write something',
       'read'  => 'Read something',




In any operation you can set the required security schemes via the requiresAuth method:

Api::get('some-uri', 'Controller@action')
   ->requiresAuth('oauth2_implicit', ['read']);

and on resources as well:

Api::resource('models/pages', 'SomeController')
   ->requiresAuth('oauth2_implicit', ['read']);

API Json Caching

To generate a Swagger UI json file cache, just execute the api:cache Artisan command:

php artisan api:cache

After running this command, your cached json file will be used. Remember, if you add any new routes to the API you will need to generate a fresh route cache. Because of this, you should only run the api:cache command during your project's deployment.

You may use the api:clear command to clear the API cache:

php artisan api:clear



This package is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.