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A lightweight DSL for HTML generation in PHP.

dev-master 2016-10-24 13:37 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-24 15:24:26 UTC


A lightweight DSL for HTML generation in PHP

What's new in 2.0 ?

  • All the magic is gone
  • Version 1 API is completely obsolete
  • No more auto-echoing
  • No more output buffering
  • No more closures for child elements
  • No more explicit data stores/fetches
  • No more pretty printing (for now, at least)
  • Code base is 25% smaller
  • Unit tests
  • Namespaces
  • Safely encodes all text nodes with htmlentities
  • Achieve "templating" via native PHP require (see the provided example)
  • User-defined elements
  • Lite support for Zen-like elements

Remember all of the closures ?

// version 1.0 required closures for all children ...
    h::link(array("rel"=>"stylesheet", "type"=>"text/css", "href"=>"global.css"));
  h::body(function(){ ...

// version 2.0 variadic interface allows passing as many children as you want
    h('meta', ['charset'=>'UTF-8']),
    h('link', ['rel'=>'stylesheet', 'type'=>'text/css', 'href'=>'global.css'])
  h('body',  ...

Remember how hard it was to thread data to the children ?

// version 1.0 required `global` unless `use` was specified on every closure
  // icky global state
  global $table_data;

  h::tr(array("class"=>"header"), function(){
  foreach($table_data as $k => $v){
    // verbose function use($k,$v) ...
    h::tr(array("class"=>h::cycle(array("odd", "even"))), function() use($k,$v){

// version 2.0 has no problem accessing data in child nodes
  h('tr', ['class'=>'header'],
    h('th', 'key'),
    h('th', 'value')
  map($table_data, function ($v,$k) { return
      h('td', $k),
      h('td', $v)

Remember how specifying id and class for everything was so annoying?

    h('h2.section-title', 'Cat Links'),
    h('button.btn.btn-large', 'Adopt a cat now !')

Will now render

<div id="sidebar" class="column">
  <div class="section">
    <h2 class="section-title">Cat Links</h2>
    <button class="btn btn-large">Adopt a cat now &excl;</button>


Sorry, but it requires PHP >= 7 right now. The only real thing causing this is the type hinting right now. I'll eventually get around to making a PHP 5.x version. Eventually. Probably.


html ( string tag [, assoc attributes], mixed ...children ) : RawString

This is your bread and butter. See the exaples for more help. Reminder: htmlgen\RawString is an implementation detail and should be ignored. Never write tests against this type or check $html instanceof RawString. Just know that RawString can be coerced to a string so just treat it as such.

map ( array xs , callable λ(mixed v , mixed k ): string ): array

This function is very helpful for building lists of nodes from existing data. This exists because array_map doesn't pass in array keys by default. Also, note the order of arguments in this function compared to native array_map. See the code examples below for more details.

raw ( string html ): RawString

All child strings passed to html will automatically have html entities encoded using htmlentities($str, ENT_HTML5). If you would like to bypass encoding, you can wrap a string using this function.

render ( resource writableStream , mixed ...children ) : int

Most people will probably just use echo html(...) which is fine, but render is a bit more flexible as it allows you to render to any writable stream. That means render(STDOUT, html(...)) is effectively the same as echo html(...). Use this for writing html to files render($fd, ...) or to memory $mem = fopen('php://memory'); render($mem, ...), or skip render altogether and just $html = html(...); doSomething($html); It's PHP, you can figure it out.

capture ( callable f[, ...xs] ) : RawString

Use this when you have an unmaneuverable, unwieldy, clumsy, impure function such as 100% of the functions found within WordPress. This will conveniently hijack any function that otherwise writes to STDOUT and instead bottles it up in string. capture('the_title') will return a string instead of echoing. If you need to pass arguments, you can capture('the_title', $postId) or you can even use a lambda, capture(function($id) { the_title($id); }, $postId) or capture(function() use($postId) { the_title($postId); }). Remember, how I said it's just PHP ? It's just PHP. And yes I know get_the_title exists. This is an example.

Oh yeah, it should go without saying that capture is not a magician or a mind-reader. It wil not automatically encode HTML entities returned from the callable. It can (and does) promise not to double encode HTML entities, tho.


  • htmlgen displays html entities only. A special string wrapper is required to output raw HTML strings. Guess what that helper is called? It's called raw. I already said that above. C'mon.

Code example


require '../htmlgen.php';
require './htmlgen.extensions.php';

use function htmlgen\html as h;
use function htmlgen\render;

  h('html', ['lang'=>'en'],
      h('meta', ['charset'=>'utf-8']),
      h('meta', ['http-equiv'=>'X-UA-Compatible', 'content'=>'IE=edge']),
      h('meta', ['name'=>'viewport', 'content'=>'width=device-width, initial-scale=1']),
      h('link', ['rel'=>'stylesheet', 'type'=>'text/css', 'href'=>'/main.css']),
      h('condition', 'lt IE 9',
        h('script', ['src'=>'ie.js'])
        require './navigation.php'
        require './body.php'
        require './footer.php'
      h('script', ['src'=>'/main.js'])


use function htmlgen\html as h;
use function htmlgen\map as map;

$links = [
  'home' => '/',
  'cats' => '/cats',
  'milk' => '/milk',
  'honey' => '/honey',
  'donuts' => '/donuts',
  'bees' => '/bees'

return h('nav',
    map($links, function($href, $text) { return
        h('a', ['href'=>$href], $text)


use function htmlgen\html as h;
use function htmlgen\map;
use function htmlgen\raw;

$beeData = [
  'pop' => 'yup',
  'candy' => 'sometimes',
  'flowers' => 'so much',
  'water' => 'not really',
  'sand' => 'indifferent',
  'donuts' => 'most definitely'

return [
  h('h1', 'Hello from HtmlGgen'),
  h('comment', 'really cool and thought-provoking article'),
    h('h2', 'All about honey'),
    h('img', ['src'=>'/busybeehive.png', 'alt'=>'bees like to keep busy!', 'width'=>300, 'height'=>100]),
    h('p', 'Did you know that bees are responsible for making honey ?'),
    h('p', 'It\'s a wonder more people don\'t like bees !'),
    h('p', 'Bees are > htmlentities'),
    // if you really must output HTML, you can use the `raw` utility
    h('p', raw('Raw honey is the <strong>best</strong>')),
          h('td', 'item'),
          h('td', 'do bees like it?')
        map($beeData, function($value, $key) { return
            h('td', $key),
            h('td', $value)
    h('aside', 'Did you know that queen bees come from larvae that are overfed with royal jelly ?')
  h('comment', 'newsletter signup form'),
  h('form', ['action'=>'#subscribe'],
    h('input', ['name'=>'email', 'autofocus']),
    h('input', ['type'=>'button', 'value'=>'Get Bee News !'])


use function htmlgen\html as h;

// notice "&" will automatically be converted to "&amp;"
// this behavior protects you from malicious user input
return h('p', 'Thanks for your interest in cats & donuts and stuff !');


Line wrapping (actual output does not contain line breaks)

<!doctype html><html lang="en"><head><meta charset="utf-8"><meta
http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"><meta name="viewport"
content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"><link rel="stylesheet"
type="text/css" href="/main.css"><!--[if lt IE 9]><script src="ie.js"></script>
<![endif]--></head><body><header><nav><ul><li><a href="/">home</a></li><li>
<a href="/cats">cats</a></li><li><a href="/milk">milk</a></li><li>
<a href="/honey">honey</a></li><li><a href="/donuts">donuts</a></li><li>
<a href="/bees">bees</a></li></ul></nav></header><main><h1>Hello from HtmlGgen
</h1><!-- really cool and thought-provoking article --><article><h2>
All about honey</h2><img src="/busybeehive.png" alt="bees like to keep busy!"
width="300" height="100"><p>Did you know that bees are responsible for making
honey &quest;</p><p>It's a wonder more people don't like bees &excl;</p><p>Bees
are &gt; htmlentities</p><p>Raw honey is the <strong>best</strong></p><table>
<thead><tr><td>item</td><td>do bees like it&quest;</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr>
flowers</td><td>so much</td></tr><tr><td>water</td><td>not really</td></tr><tr>
<td>sand</td><td>indifferent</td></tr><tr><td>donuts</td><td>most definitely
</td></tr></tbody></table><aside>Did you know that queen bees come from larvae
that are overfed with royal jelly &quest;</aside></article><!-- newsletter
signup form --><form action="#subscribe"><input name="email" autofocus><input
type="button" value="Get Bee News !"></form></main><footer><p>Thanks for your
interest in cats &amp; donuts and stuff &excl;</p></footer><script

Try it and see!

$ cd htmlgen/example
$ php index.php


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