yuanlj-tea / trace
trace component
2022-04-15 06:48 UTC
- php: >=7.1
- yuanlj-tea/jaeger: ^1.0
Use composer:
composer require yuanlj-tea/trace
- 配置文件
cp vendor/yuanlj-tea/trace/publish/opentracing.php {your config path}
<?php return [ 'default' => \Trace\Constants::JAEGER, 'enable' => [ // 控制是否走上报逻辑 'all' => true, // 控制是否上报http请求 'guzzle' => true, // 控制是否上报redis请求 'redis' => true, // 控制是否上报db请求 'db' => true, 'method' => true, // 控制是否上报响应结果 'response' => true, // 控制是否上报异常响应信息 'exception' => true, // 控制业务日志是否上报 'biz_log' => true, ], 'tracer' => [ \Trace\Constants::JAEGER => [ 'app_name' => 'your app name', 'options' => [ /* * You can uncomment the sampler lines to use custom strategy. * * For more available configurations, * @see https://github.com/jonahgeorge/jaeger-client-php */ 'sampler' => [ 'type' => \Jaeger\SAMPLER_TYPE_CONST, 'param' => true, ], 'local_agent' => [ 'reporting_host' => 'your jaeger host', 'reporting_port' => 5775, ], 'ip_version' => \Jaeger\Config::IPV4, ], ], ], 'tags' => [ 'http_client' => [ 'http.url' => 'http.url', 'http.method' => 'http.method', 'http.status_code' => 'http.status_code', ], 'redis' => [ 'command' => 'redis.command', 'cost' => 'redis.cost', ], 'db' => [ 'query' => 'db.query', 'statement' => 'db.statement', 'cost' => 'db.cost', ], 'exception' => [ 'class' => 'exception.class', 'code' => 'exception.code', 'message' => 'exception.message', 'stack_trace' => 'exception.stack_trace', ], 'request' => [ 'path' => 'request.path', 'method' => 'request.method', 'header' => 'request.header', 'body' => 'request.body', 'respcode' => 'resp.code', 'respbody' => 'resp.body', ], 'coroutine' => [ 'id' => 'coroutine.id', ], 'response' => [ 'status_code' => 'response.status_code', 'body' => 'response.body', ], ], ];
- 封装
<?php namespace common\trace; use OpenTracing\Tracer; use Yii; use Trace\SpanTagManager; use Trace\SwitchManager; use Trace\TracerFactory; class TraceClient { private static $instance = null; /** * @var mixed */ private $config; /** * @var \OpenTracing\Tracer */ public static $tracer; private function __construct() { $this->config = Yii::$app->params['trace']; } public static function getInstance() { if (!self::$instance instanceof self) { self::$instance = new self(); } return self::$instance; } /** * @return \Jaeger\Tracer|null * @throws \Trace\exception\InvalidParam */ public function getTracer() { $enable = $this->config['enable']['all'] ?? true; if (!$enable) { return null; } if (!self::$tracer instanceof Tracer) { self::$tracer = TracerFactory::getInstance($this->config)->initTracer(); } return self::$tracer; } public function flush() { if (self::$tracer instanceof Tracer) { self::$tracer->flush(); } } /** * @return SpanTagManager */ public function getSpanTagManager() { $spanTagManager = new SpanTagManager(); $spanTagManager->apply($this->config['tags'] ?? []); return $spanTagManager; } /** * @return SwitchManager */ public function getSwitchManager() { $switchManager = new SwitchManager(); $switchManager->apply($this->config['enable'] ?? []); return $switchManager; } }
<?php namespace common\trace; class TraceSwitch { private static $switch = true; public static function setSwitch(bool $bool) { self::$switch = $bool; } public static function getSwitch() { return self::$switch; } }
<?php namespace common\trace\span; use Yii; use OpenTracing\Span; use common\trace\Resp; use Trace\SpanStarter; use OpenTracing\Tracer; use Trace\SwitchManager; use Trace\SpanTagManager; use common\helper\UtilHelper; use common\trace\TraceSwitch; use common\trace\TraceClient; use ua_api\helper\RequestEnv; use common\libs\collection\Str; use const OpenTracing\Formats\TEXT_MAP; use const OpenTracing\Tags\SPAN_KIND_RPC_SERVER; class SpanHelper { use SpanStarter; /** * @var Tracer */ private $tracer; /** * @var SwitchManager */ private $switch; /** * @var SpanTagManager */ private $spanTag; /** * 不上报的接口 * @var string[] */ private $noTracePath = [ 'metrics*', ]; public function __construct() { $traceClient = TraceClient::getInstance(); $this->tracer = $traceClient->getTracer(); $this->switch = $traceClient->getSwitchManager(); $this->spanTag = $traceClient->getSpanTagManager(); } /** * is record trace * @return bool * @throws \yii\base\InvalidConfigException */ private function isAddTrace(): bool { if (!TraceSwitch::getSwitch()) { return false; } $path = Yii::$app->request->getPathInfo(); foreach ($this->noTracePath as $v) { if (Str::is($v, $path)) { TraceSwitch::setSwitch(false); return false; } } return true; } /** * build request span * @return Span|null * @throws \yii\base\InvalidConfigException */ public function buildRequestSpan(): ?Span { if (!$this->isAddTrace()) { return null; } $request = Yii::$app->request; $path = !empty(RequestEnv::getEnv('request_path')) ? RequestEnv::getEnv('request_path') : $request->getPathInfo(); $method = $request->getMethod(); $header = $request->getHeaders()->toArray(); $span = $this->startSpan('request ' . $path, [], SPAN_KIND_RPC_SERVER, $header); if ($span instanceof Span) { $span->setTag($this->spanTag->get('request', 'path'), $path); $span->setTag($this->spanTag->get('request', 'method'), $method); $span->setTag($this->spanTag->get('request', 'header'), cjson_encode($header)); $span->setTag('trace_id', RequestEnv::getRequestFloatNumber()); if (!empty($orderNo = RequestEnv::getEnv('order_no'))) { $span->setTag('order_no', $orderNo); } $body = transfer_large_param(array_merge($request->queryParams, $request->bodyParams)); $span->setTag($this->spanTag->get('request', 'body'), cjson_encode($body)); return $span; } return null; } /** * appen exception to span * @param Span $span * @param \Throwable $t */ public function appendExceptionToSpan(\Throwable $t) { if (!$this->isAddTrace()) { return; } if (!$this->switch->isEnable('exception')) { return; } $span = $this->startSpan('exception'); if ($span instanceof Span) { $span->setTag($this->spanTag->get('exception', 'class'), get_class($t)); $span->setTag($this->spanTag->get('exception', 'code'), (string)$t->getCode()); $span->setTag($this->spanTag->get('exception', 'message'), $t->getMessage()); $span->setTag($this->spanTag->get('exception', 'stack_trace'), $t->getTraceAsString()); if (!empty($orderNo = RequestEnv::getEnv('order_no'))) { $span->setTag('order_no', $orderNo); } $span->finish(); } } /** * appen response to span * @param $statusCode * @param null $resp */ public function appendResponseToSpan($statusCode, $resp = null) { if (!$this->isAddTrace()) { return; } if (!$this->switch->isEnable('response')) { return; } $body = Resp::getRawRespData() ?? (is_array($resp) ? cjson_encode($resp) : (string)$resp); $span = $this->startSpan('response'); if ($span instanceof Span) { $span->setTag($this->spanTag->get('response', 'body'), $body); $span->setTag($this->spanTag->get('response', 'status_code'), $statusCode); if (!empty($orderNo = RequestEnv::getEnv('order_no'))) { $span->setTag('order_no', (string)$orderNo); } if (!empty($mobile = RequestEnv::getEnv('mobile'))) { $span->setTag('mobile', (string)$mobile); } $span->finish(); } } /** * append sql to span * @param $sql * @param $cost * @return \OpenTracing\Span|void */ public function appendSqlToSpan($sql): ?Span { if (!$this->switch->isEnable('db') || !$this->isSqlReport($sql)) { return null; } $span = $this->startSpan('mysql'); if ($span instanceof Span) { $span->setTag($this->spanTag->get('db', 'query'), $sql); return $span; } return null; } /** * 判断sql是否需要上报 * @param $sql * @return bool */ private function isSqlReport($sql) { $patttern = ['SHOW', 'database', 'information_schema']; foreach ($patttern as $v) { if (strpos($sql, $v) !== false) { return false; } } return true; } /** * append redis command to span * @param $command * @return null * @throws \Trace\exception\InvalidParam */ public function appendRedisToSpan($command): ?Span { if (!$this->switch->isEnable('redis')) { return null; } $span = $this->startSpan('redis'); if ($span instanceof Span) { $span->setTag($this->spanTag->get('redis', 'command'), $command); return $span; } return null; } /** * append http request to span * @param string $path * @param string $method * @param $options * @return array */ public function appendHttpRequestToSpan(string $path, string $method, $options): array { if (!$this->switch->isEnable('guzzle')) { return [null, $options]; } $purePath = strpos($path, '?') === false ? $path : strstr($path, '?', true); $span = $this->startSpan('http_request ' . $purePath); if ($span instanceof Span) { // add trace header $appendHeaders = []; $tracer = $this->tracer; $tracer->inject($span->getContext(), TEXT_MAP, $appendHeaders); $options['headers'] = array_replace($options['headers'] ?? [], $appendHeaders); // set tag $span->setTag($this->spanTag->get('request', 'path'), $path); $span->setTag($this->spanTag->get('request', 'method'), $method); $span->setTag($this->spanTag->get('request', 'body'), cjson_encode($options)); if (!empty($orderNo = RequestEnv::getEnv('order_no'))) { $span->setTag('order_no', $orderNo); } return [$span, $options]; } return [null, $options]; } /** * append trace to span */ public function appendTraceToSpan() { $trace = debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS, 5); array_shift($trace); $trace = array_reverse($trace); $span = $this->startSpan('trace_info'); if ($span instanceof Span) { $span->setTag('request_trace', UtilHelper::jsonEncode($trace)); $span->finish(); } } /** * @param $log * @param string $message_tag */ public function appendBizLogToSpan($log, $message_tag = 'biz_log') { if (!$this->switch->isEnable('biz_log')) { return; } $tagName = !empty($message_tag) ? $message_tag : 'biz_log'; $span = $this->startSpan($tagName); if ($span instanceof Span) { $span->setTag('log', cjson_encode($log)); $span->finish(); } } public function finish($span) { if ($span instanceof Span) { $span->finish(); } } public function setTag($span, string $key, $value) { if ($span instanceof Span) { $span->setTag($key, $value); } } public function batchSetTag($span, array $tag) { if ($span instanceof Span) { foreach ($tag as $key => $value) { $span->setTag($key, $value); } } } }