yuanlj-tea / click-captcha
click captcha
2020-08-14 13:57 UTC
- php: >=7.1
- ext-gd: *
- ext-mbstring: *
Use composer:
composer require yuanlj-tea/click-captcha
You can create a captcha with output func:
$captcha = new \ClickCaptcha\Captcha(); $captcha->output();
Or inline it directly in the html page:
$inline = $captcha->getInline(); echo "<img src='".$linlie."' />";
You'll be able to get the code and compare it with a user input :
Used in Laravel
Register ServiceProvider and Facade with config/app.php:
'providers' => [ // ... \ClickCaptcha\ClickCaptchaServiceProvider::class, ], 'aliases' => [ // ... 'ClickCaptcha' => \ClickCaptcha\ClickCaptchaFacade::class, ],
Get a service instance:
Method parameter injection:
use ClickCaptcha\Captcha; public function getImage(Request $request, Captcha $captcha) { }
Obtained by the facade class:
use ClickCaptcha; public function getImageV1() { }
By service name:
public function getImageV2() { $captcha = app('click_captcha'); }
Check demo:
/** * 获取验证码信息 */ public function getCaptcha() { $key = 'click:captcha:' . str_random(32); $captcha = new Captcha(); $cacheMinutes = 30; $inline = $captcha->getInline(); $data['captcha_key'] = $key; $data['expired_at'] = time() + $cacheMinutes * 60; $code = $captcha->getCode(); $data['code'] = $code; Cache::put($key, $code, $cacheMinutes); $data['image'] = $inline; return AjaxResponse::success($data); } /** * 校验验证码 * @param Request $request */ public function check(Request $request) { $captcha_key = $request->input('captcha_key', ''); $param = $request->input('data', []); if (!Cache::has($captcha_key)) { return AjaxResponse::fail('验证码已过期,请刷新后再试'); } if (!is_array($param)) { return AjaxResponse::fail('验证失败,参数错误'); } $code = Cache::get($captcha_key); $checkCode = array_column($code, 'scope'); $errKey = $captcha_key . '_error'; if (Cache::get($errKey) >= 3) { Cache::forget($captcha_key); Cache::forget($errKey); return AjaxResponse::fail('错误次数过多,请刷新验证码后再试'); } foreach ($checkCode as $k => $v) { if (!isset($param[$k])) { Cache::increment($errKey); return AjaxResponse::fail('验证失败'); } if (!isset($param[$k]['x']) || !isset($param[$k]['y'])) { Cache::increment($errKey); return AjaxResponse::fail('验证失败'); } $x = $param[$k]['x']; $y = $param[$k]['y']; if ( !( $x >= $v['x_limit_left'] && $x <= $v['x_limit_right'] && $y >= $v['y_limit_up'] && $y <= $v['y_limit_down'] ) ) { Cache::increment($errKey); return AjaxResponse::fail('验证失败'); } } Cache::forget($errKey); return AjaxResponse::success('验证成功'); }