Packages from yousafsyed

  • PHP


    Original Proposal: Using the right data structure or algorithm for the situation is an important aspect of programming. In computer science literature, many data structures and algorithms have been researched and extensively documented. However, there is still no standard library in Php implementing useful structures and algorithms like Red/Black Trees, tries, different sorting algorithms, etc. This project will create such a library with documentation on when to use a particular structure/algorithm. It will also come with a benchmark suite to compare performance in different situations.

  • PHP


    Standalone proxy server in PHP sockets, I am using Guzzle to route the requests. Idea was if I can make HTTP Proxy Server in php to get more control over proxy and custom logic. Currently it only supports http requests you can choose port of your own choice plus if you want to make it public or private. This is a standard HTTP Proxy so you can use in browser. By default its only working for localhost, but you can allow public ip's.