
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the youandmedigital/breadcrumb package instead.

Generate a simple breadcrumb based on your URL segments

1.0.1 2019-02-28 09:56 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2019-02-28 12:46:22 UTC


Craft Breadcrumb

Breadcrumb plugin for Craft CMS 3.1

Generate a simple breadcrumb based on your URL segments.


This plugin requires Craft CMS 3.1 or later.


To install the plugin, follow these instructions.

  1. Open your terminal and go to your Craft project:

     cd /path/to/project
  2. Then tell Composer to load the plugin:

     composer require youandmedigital/breadcrumb
  3. In the Control Panel, go to Settings → Plugins and click the “Install” button for Breadcrumb.

Breadcrumb Overview

Generate a simple breadcrumb based on your URL segments. It's perfect for websites that have descriptive and meaningful URLs.

If your website URL looked like this:


Breadcrumb would generate the following array:

array (size=4)
  0 =>
    array (size=3)
      'title' => string 'Home' (length=4)
      'url' => string 'https://mysite.local' (length=18)
      'position' => int 1
  1 =>
    array (size=3)
      'title' => string 'Posts' (length=5)
      'url' => string 'https://mysite.local/posts' (length=24)
      'position' => int 2
  2 =>
    array (size=3)
      'title' => string 'Categories' (length=10)
      'url' => string 'https://mysite.local/posts/categories' (length=35)
      'position' => int 3
  3 =>
    array (size=3)
      'title' => string 'Example Category' (length=11)
      'url' => string 'https://mysite.local/posts/categories/example-category' (length=52)
      'position' => int 4

With this array, you can now use Twig to define the look and apply additional logic. Here's a basic example:

{% set breadcrumb = craft.breadcrumb.config %}

{% if breadcrumb %}
<div class="c-breadcrumb">
    <ol class="c-breadcrumb__items">
        {% for crumb in breadcrumb  %}
            {% if loop.last %}
            <li class="c-breadcrumb__item">
                <span>{{ crumb.title }}</span>
            {% else %}
            <li class="c-breadcrumb__item">
                <a class="c-breadcrumb__link" href="{{ crumb.url }}">
                    <span>{{ crumb.title }}</span>
            {% endif %}
        {% endfor %}
{% endif %}

This example uses the Twig loop variable to set the last item in the crumb.

Configuring Breadcrumb

  • homeTitle (string, optional, default 'Home'): Customise the title of the first item in the breadcrumb

  • homeUrl (string, optional, default '@baseUrl'): Set a custom URL for the first item in the breadcrumb

  • skipUrlSegment (int, optional, default 'null'): Remove a segment from the Breadcrumb array. For example, if you have the URL https://mysite.local/posts/categories/example-category and wanted to remove categories from the array, you would enter 3 as the value.

  • customFieldHandleEntryId (int, optional, default '0'): Required for customFieldHandle. Nothing to customise.

  • customFieldHandle (string, optional, default 'null'): Specify a field that contains a custom title. This only works for the last item in the breadcrumb array. Requires customFieldHandleEntryId to work.

  • limit (int, optional, default 'null'): Limit the amount of results returned in the Breadcrumb array.

Example configuration:

{# If entry variable is empty, try category, tag and finally return null #}
{# This works with customFieldHandleEntryId and customFieldHandle #}
{% set entry = entry ?? category ?? tag ?? null %}

{# Breadcrumb settings array #}
{% set settings =
        homeTitle: 'Home',
        homeUrl: '',
        skipUrlSegment: 1,
        customFieldHandle: 'myCustomField',
        limit: '3'

{# Settings array passed into the Breadcrumb config #}
{% set breadcrumb = craft.breadcrumb.config(settings) %}

Is Breadcrumb right for me?

I don't have templates setup for each segment in my URL

If you have a URL like https://mysite.local/posts/categories/example-category, Breadcrumb will generate an array based on each segment in the URL. This means if you don't have a template or redirect setup for https://mysite.local/posts/categories the link will return a 404 and create a bad UX.

I'm not using human friendly URLs

If you have a url that looks like https://mysite.local/c/12/random/post-title, Breadcrumb is not for you.

I want to use a field to display custom titles

If you need to pull in a custom field to generate each title, Breadcrumb is not for you. Titles are generated from the URL. You can only customise the last url segment.

I have a multilingual site setup

If you have a multilingual site setup, Breadcrumb will add the language segment to the crumb. This can be fixed by working with skipUrlSegment, homeTitle and homeUrl.

Breadcrumb Roadmap

Some things to do, and ideas for potential features:

  • Release it...

PR & FR welcome!

Brought to you by You & Me Digital