
Help YouUp process incoming webhook

dev-master 2017-12-25 22:32 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-26 02:14:06 UTC


Add support to your favorite tools in YouUp.


Step 1: Scaffold

Run php cli scaffold and follow the instruction.

Step 2: Capture an example of a request

Run php -S localhost:9999 receiver.php to start a piece of code that will capture the incoming request. Use tools such a ngrok, to get public URL that will point to your machine. After a request, the terminal will show the text to copy paste into the NAME_test_request.json file.

Step 3: Complete NAME_parsed_results.json

This file contain the data that should be extracted from the test request and used by YouUp.

Step 4: Write the logic of NAME.php

2 methods must be implemented:

  • isMatch => detect that an incoming webhook request should be handle by this class
  • extract => read the information from the request

Step 5: Pull Request

Submit a pull request, and once merged, the new integration will be live in YouUp.