
A PHP Library to interact with the Yo! Payments API.

v1.0.2 2021-04-30 13:05 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-29 05:49:07 UTC


Yo! Payments is a revolutionary mobile payments gateway service. Yo! Payments enables businesses to receive payments from their customers via mobile money, as well as make mobile money payments to any mobile money account holder. Yo! Payments also has the capability to send mobile calling credit (“airtime”) directly to users.

Yo! Payments API PHP Library is a PHP library that can be included in your PHP project to enable seamless integration with websites and web systems.

Getting Started


To use the API, you must, first of all, have a Yo! Payments Business Account. The API is not available for Personal Accounts

  • Yo! Payments API Username
  • Yo! Payments API Password
$yoAPI = new YoAPI($username, $password);


Yo! Payments API PHP Library is available via Composer/Packagist (using semantic versioning), so just add this line to your composer.json file

"yo-uganda/yopaymentsphp": "^1.0" 


composer require yo-uganda/yopaymentsphp

Then inside your PHP script, add the line

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

And voila! The Yo! Payments PHP API is now available for use.

Alternatively, copy the contents of the YoPaymentsPHP folder into one of the include_path directories specified in your PHP configuration.

If you don't use git, click the 'zip' button at the top of the page in GitHub.

Minimal Installation

While installing the entire package manually or with composer is simple, convenient and reliable, you may want to include only vital files in your project. At the very least you'll need YoAPI.php. If you are doing Instant Payment Notifications, then you'll also require Yo_Uganda_Public_Certificate.crt.

You can then load the library by just require '/path/to/YoAPI.php'; and everything should work.

A Simple Example

Start the Mobile Money User to Prompt for PIN to transfer funds

$yoAPI = new YoAPI($username, $password);
$response = $yoAPI->ac_deposit_funds('256770000000', 10000, 'Reason for transfer of funds');
	// Transaction was successful and funds were deposited onto your account
	echo "Transaction Reference = ".$response['TransactionReference'];

Receive payment notification when payment completed.

$yoAPI = new YoAPI($username, $password);
	$response = $yoAPI->receive_payment_notification();
		// Notification is from Yo! Uganda Limited
		echo "Payment from ".$response['msisdn']." on ".$response['date_time']." for ".$response['narrative']." with an amount of ".$response['amount'].". Mobile Network Reference = ".$response['network_ref']." and external reference of ".$response['external_ref'];

Receive notification when payment has failed.

$yoAPI = new YoAPI($username, $password);
	$response = $yoAPI->receive_payment_failure_notification();
		// Notification is from Yo! Uganda Limited
		echo "Payment on ".$response['transaction_init_date']." with a FAILED transaction status ".$response['failed_transaction_reference']." closed.";

You'll find plenty more to play with in the examples folder.

That's it! You should now be ready to use YoAPI

Built With

  • PHP - PHP Programming Language



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details


  • Gerald Begumisa
  • Grace Kyeyune
  • Joseph Tabajjwa