
Oncrawl PHP Toolkit

1.0.1 2018-11-06 09:12 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-15 03:01:05 UTC


For Oncrawl API PHP library v2.

You have 3 files:
OncrawlBase is for call the API, define filter, sort...
OncrawlAPI is the list of functions available with the API (see http://developer.oncrawl.com)
OncrawlCustomAPI is a list of custom functions i need.

Define your token api or username/password for on crawl on your config/app.php
(prefer the api key)

Then, use like this:
use OncrawlPHP\OncrawlBase;
use OncrawlPHP\OncrawlAPI;
use OncrawlPHP\OncrawlCustomAPI;

$api = new OncrawlCustomAPI("","",config("app.ONCRAWL_KEY"));// or //$api = new OncrawlCustomAPI(config("app.ONCRAWL_USERNAME"),config("app.ONCRAWL_PASSWORD"),"");

//Define segment if you want to filter results

//Get projects $json = $api->getProjects();

//Get one project $json = $api->getProject($project_id);

//Get list of page with status 200 $json = $api->countStatus200($crawl_id);

//Export Data
$fields[] = "title_evaluation"; $fields[] = "h1_evaluation"; $fields[] = "description_evaluation"; $OqlFields[] = array("field"=>array("meta_robots_index","equals","true")); $OqlFields[] = array("field"=>array("status_code","equals","200")); $OqlFields[] = array("field"=>array("canonical_evaluation","not_equals","not_matching")); $OqlFields[] = array("field"=>array("parsed_html","equals","true")); $s = $api->getExportSEOTags($crawl_id, $fields,$OqlFields);

Contact: ynizon@gmail.com