
Extension Yii2

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v0.0.2 2018-11-05 17:55 UTC


Ext Yii 2 Validate action params, DI action


composer require yii2-webivan1/yii2-validate-action-params


Add trait in any controller or global controller for trigger event before runAction

    use webivan\validateAction\ValidateActionTrait;

Add behavior in controller

    public function behaviors()
        return [
            'validation' => [
                'class' => webivan\validateAction\ValidateActionBehavior::class,
                // 'actions' => ['index', 'about'] // Validate only action


Add types by params action [php7]

    public function actionIndex(int $number, string $name, array $data) 
        // ...

Or add phpdoc by action together with tag @validate

     * @validate
     * @param integer $number
     * @param string $name
     * @param array $data
    public function actionIndex($number, $name, array $data) 
        // ...

Dependency injection

You can add DI in action

    public function actionIndex(Request $request, int $number, string $name, array $data, Response $response) 
        // ...

Or phpdoc. Write the full path to the class name!

     * @validate
     * @param \yii\web\Request $request
     * @param integer $number
     * @param string $name
     * @param array $data
     * @param Response $response
    public function actionIndex($request, $number, $name, $data, Response $response) 
        // ...

Add models [ActiveRecord]

    // Usually
    public function actionIndex($cityId) 
        if (is_null($city = City::findOne(['id' => intval($cityId)]))) {
            throw new HttpExceprion(404);
        return $city;
    // Now
    public function actionIndex(City $city) 
        return $city;
    // Or
     * @validate
     * @param \app\models\City $city
    public function actionIndexNew($city) 
        return $city;
    // Or
     * @validate
     * @param City $city
    public function actionIndexNew(City $city) 
        return $city;

User model

    public function beforeAction($action)
        if (!parent::beforeAction($action)) {
            throw new HttpException(404);
        return true;

    // If user is guest, Error 404
    public function actionIndexNew(User $user) 
        // Error 404
    // If user is login, User::findOne(['id' => \Yii::$app->user->id])
    public function actionIndexNew(User $user) 
        return $user;

How to change the default query DI?

Add interface webivan\validateAction\models\IFindItem in model

How to change the default column search model?

Add interface webivan\validateAction\models\IFindColumn in model
