
Generates HTML (elements) based on a schematic

1.1.3 2019-07-16 23:54 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-19 11:32:01 UTC


Provides a more robust alternative to generating HTML


  • PHP: >= 7.2


The using is fairly simple. Firstly, you have the different Elements under the YeTii\HtmlElement\Elements namespace, for example a <div> element is YeTii\HtmlElement\Elements\HtmlDiv, an <input> element is YeTii\HtmlElement\Elements\HtmlInput, etc. This is except for the YeTii\HtmlElement\TextNode. See below for full list of classes.

Basic Usage:

The first argument for the Element is an array of attributes (key => value).

The second being an optional (not really used at the moment) name to override the default name. The default name is the class name in lowercase, stripped of the Html prefix, for example HtmlInput is rendered using the name input). This argument may be removed in future versions, the idea was to be able to support Vue-like component names. Alternatively you can use $element->setName($name); to set a name (and $element->getName(); to retrieve it)

$element = new HtmlInput([
    'type' => 'date',
    'id' => 'dob_field',
    'name' => 'dob',

$element->render(); // <input type="date" id="dob_field" name="dob">

// Or try a custom element name (if generating Vue, for example)

$element->render(); // <dob-picker type="date" id="dob_field" name="dob">

Child Elements:

You can specify a child by providing a node or nodes "attribute" as a quickhand for adding a child node or multiple children nodes. Alternatively, you can go: $parent->addChild(Element $child); or $parent->addChildren(array $children);

$child1 = new HtmlSpan([
    'class' => 'test',
    'nodes' => [
        new HtmlSpan([
            'class' => 'span-here',
            'node' => 'what?',
        new HtmlBold([
            'title' => 'This is bold',
            'node' => 'Just text here'

$child2 = new HtmlSpan([
    'class' => 'test-node',
    'nodes' => [
        new HtmlSpan([
            'class' => 'a-class',
            'node' => 'who?',
$child2->addChild(new HtmlBold([
    'title' => 'Bold text',
    'node' => 'Stuff here'

$div = new HtmlDiv([
    'id' => 'section',
    'class' => 'class-name',

Text Nodes:

If you provide a string as a child element(s), it's automatically converted into a text node element.

Text node Elements can only have text child elements, which are contacted together when rendered. You may manually specify a TextNode instance:

$text = new \Html\HtmlElement\TextNode([
    'node' => 'This is some text',

$text->render(); // This is some text

$div = new HtmlDiv([
    'node' => $text

$div->render(); // <div>This is some text</div>

$div = new HtmlDiv([
    'node' => 'So is this'

$div->render(); // <div>So is this</div>

Things to note:

The order you specify the attributes correlates to the order they are rendered.

$div = new HtmlDiv([
    'id' => 'a',
    'title' => 'b',
    'class' => 'c',
    'data-id' => 'd',

$div->render(); // <div id="a" title="b" class="c" data-id="d"></div>

$div = new HtmlDiv([
    'title' => 'b',
    'data-id' => 'd',
    'class' => 'c',
    'id' => 'a',

$div->render(); // <div title="b" data-id="d" class="c" id="a"></div>


You can also specify whether or not to encode html special characters by doing the following:

$div = new HtmlDiv([
    'node' => '<b>Text</b>',

$div->render(); // <div>&lt;b&gt;Text&lt;/b&gt;</div>

Currently, inheritance does NOT apply to escaping of HTML, meaning that if the parent Element is escaping HTML and you provide a child Element, and that child Element has a text node with HTML - it will NOT be escaped. You must define whether or not to escape the HTML per Element. Take the following as an example:

$child = new HtmlSpan([
    'node' => '<i>Some text</i>',
$parent = new HtmlDiv([
    'nodes' => [
        '<b>Some text</b>',

$parent->render(); // <div>&lt;b&gt;Text&lt;/b&gt;<i>Some text</i></div>

The text nodes that are immediate children are escaped, but the $child does not inherit that, so it does not escape the HTML in the text node.

Should you want a child Element to NOT escape HTML, but would like the immediate parent to, you may do so by doing the following:

$child1 = new HtmlSpan([
    'node' => '<i>Some text</i>',
$child2 = new HtmlSpan([
    'node' => '<i>Some text</i>',
$parent = new HtmlDiv([
    'nodes' => [
        '<b>Some text</b>',

$parent->render(); // <div>&lt;b&gt;Text&lt;/b&gt;<i>Some text</i></div>

Full list of Element classes:

  • <a>: HtmlA
  • <abbr>: HtmlAbbr
  • <address>: HtmlAddress
  • <area>: HtmlArea
  • <article>: HtmlArticle
  • <aside>: HtmlAside
  • <audio>: HtmlAudio
  • <b>: HtmlB
  • <bdi>: HtmlBdi
  • <bdo>: HtmlBdo
  • <blockquote>: HtmlBlockquote
  • <body>: HtmlBody
  • <br>: HtmlBr
  • <button>: HtmlButton
  • <canvas>: HtmlCanvas
  • <caption>: HtmlCaption
  • <cite>: HtmlCite
  • <code>: HtmlCode
  • <col>: HtmlCol
  • <colgroup>: HtmlColgroup
  • <command>: HtmlCommand
  • <datalist>: HtmlDatalist
  • <dd>: HtmlDd
  • <del>: HtmlDel
  • <details>: HtmlDetails
  • <dfn>: HtmlDfn
  • <div>: HtmlDiv
  • <dl>: HtmlDl
  • <dt>: HtmlDt
  • <em>: HtmlEm
  • <embed>: HtmlEmbed
  • <fieldset>: HtmlFieldset
  • <figcaption>: HtmlFigcaption
  • <figure>: HtmlFigure
  • <footer>: HtmlFooter
  • <form>: HtmlForm
  • <h1>: HtmlH1
  • <h2>: HtmlH2
  • <h3>: HtmlH3
  • <h4>: HtmlH4
  • <h5>: HtmlH5
  • <h6>: HtmlH6
  • <head>: HtmlHead
  • <header>: HtmlHeader
  • <hr>: HtmlHr
  • <html>: HtmlHtml
  • <i>: HtmlI
  • <iframe>: HtmlIframe
  • <img>: HtmlImg
  • <input>: HtmlInput
  • <ins>: HtmlIns
  • <kbd>: HtmlKbd
  • <keygen>: HtmlKeygen
  • <label>: HtmlLabel
  • <legend>: HtmlLegend
  • <li>: HtmlLi
  • <main>: HtmlMain
  • <map>: HtmlMap
  • <mark>: HtmlMark
  • <menu>: HtmlMenu
  • <meter>: HtmlMeter
  • <nav>: HtmlNav
  • <object>: HtmlObject
  • <ol>: HtmlOl
  • <optgroup>: HtmlOptgroup
  • <option>: HtmlOption
  • <output>: HtmlOutput
  • <p>: HtmlP
  • <param>: HtmlParam
  • <pre>: HtmlPre
  • <progress>: HtmlProgress
  • <q>: HtmlQ
  • <rp>: HtmlRp
  • <rt>: HtmlRt
  • <ruby>: HtmlRuby
  • <s>: HtmlS
  • <samp>: HtmlSamp
  • <section>: HtmlSection
  • <select>: HtmlSelect
  • <small>: HtmlSmall
  • <source>: HtmlSource
  • <span>: HtmlSpan
  • <strong>: HtmlStrong
  • <sub>: HtmlSub
  • <summary>: HtmlSummary
  • <sup>: HtmlSup
  • <table>: HtmlTable
  • <tbody>: HtmlTbody
  • <td>: HtmlTd
  • <textarea>: HtmlTextarea
  • <tfoot>: HtmlTfoot
  • <th>: HtmlTh
  • <thead>: HtmlThead
  • <time>: HtmlTime
  • <tr>: HtmlTr
  • <track>: HtmlTrack
  • <u>: HtmlU
  • <ul>: HtmlUl
  • <var>: HtmlVar
  • <video>: HtmlVideo
  • <wbr>: HtmlWbr


These interfaces change the way an element is rendered.

  • YeTii\HtmlElement\Interfaces\HasTextChild renders an element with children as text-only (e.g. <textarea>text child here</textarea>)
  • YeTii\HtmlElement\Interfaces\IsSingleton renders an element with no closing tag (e.g. <input />)
  • YeTii\HtmlElement\Interfaces\IsTextNode renders an element as a text node (i.e. raw or htmlspecialchar'd text)

Custom Elements:

You may want to create some custom elements, especially if generating something like vue component templates. Using the interfaces above, and extending the base Element class, it becomes a very easy task. Say you want an singleton element like <dob-picker type="date" {customAttributesHere} />


namespace YeTii\VueGenerator\Component;

use YeTii\HtmlElement\Element;
use YeTii\HtmlElement\Interfaces\IsSingleton;

class DobPicker extends Element implements IsSingleton

    protected $name = 'dob-picker';

    protected $attributes = [
        'type' => 'date', // all <dob-pickers> should have this
