
simple chat package for laravel

v1.8 2023-10-01 16:57 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-14 19:32:31 UTC


Laravel Simple Chat Package


Use the package manager composer to install simple chat package.

composer require yeknava/simple-chat


Run this command in your terminal:

php artisan vendor:publish

Add CanChat trait to models that may initiate chats (normally User model).


use Yeknava\SimpleChat\CanChat;

class User extends Model {
    use CanChat;

You may also add ChatTopic to models that may be chat topics


use Yeknava\SimpleChat\ChatTopic;

class Post extends Model {
    use ChatTopic;

Then You can create chats with one of these ways

$chat = $user->newDirectChat(
        'title' => 'post discussion',
        'description' => 'a chat about this specific post'
    $post // or null if this chat has no references

// or

$chat = $post->newDirectChat(
        'title' => 'post discussion',
        'description' => 'a chat about this specific post'
    $user // or null if this chat has no creator (may created by system)

In case you don't like using traits or don't access models you may still create chats with SimpleChat class

use Yeknava\SimpleChat\SimpleChat;

$simpleChat = new SimpleChat();

$chat = $simpleChat->setUser($user)->newDirectChat(
        'title' => 'post discussion',
        'description' => 'a chat about this specific post',
        'category' => 'recent'

There are 3 type of chats:

  • Direct: chat between 2 member
  • Group: chat between several members (you may set limits in config file)
  • Channel: channel is like groups which many members may join but only admins and owner can post messages in that
use Yeknava\SimpleChat\SimpleChat;
use Yeknava\SimpleChat\SimpleChat\DTOs\ChatPermissionDTO;

$simpleChat = new SimpleChat();

$directChat = $simpleChat->setUser($user)->newDirectChat(
        'title' => 'post discussion',
        'description' => 'a chat about this specific post'

$groupChat = $simpleChat->setUser($user)->newGroupChat(
        'title' => 'post discussion',
        'description' => 'a chat about this specific post',
        'permissions' => (new ChatPermissionDTO())

$channelChat = $simpleChat->setUser($user)->newChannelChat(
        'title' => 'post discussion',
        'description' => 'a chat about this specific post'

Add new member to chats:

use Yeknava\SimpleChat\Models\ChatMember;

$member = $chat->addMember($user2, ChatMember::ROLE_MEMBER);

Post messages to chats:

use Yeknava\SimpleChat\Models\ChatMessages;
use Yeknava\SimpleChat\SimpleChat;

$member = (new SimpleChat())->setUser($user)->findChatMember($chat);

$message = $member->message(
    'hi', //body
    ChatMessage::TYPE_MESSAGE, //type
    false, //anonymous (bool)
    null, //reply to (ChatMessage)
    null, //media (MediaDTO)

// or 

$message = (new SimpleChat($chat))->setUser($user)->newMessage(
    'hi', //body
    ChatMessage::TYPE_MESSAGE, //type
    false, //anonymous (bool)
    null, //reply to (ChatMessage)
    null, //media (MediaDTO)

React to a message:

use Yeknava\SimpleChat\Models\ChatMessages;
use Yeknava\SimpleChat\SimpleChat;

$member = (new SimpleChat())->setUser($user)->findChatMember($chat);

$reaction = $message->react(
    1 //reaction type (you can specify types in config)

// or 

$message = (new SimpleChat())->react(

Get message total reaction

use Yeknava\SimpleChat\SimpleChat;

(new SimpleChat())->totalReactions($message);

 *  get 'total_reactions' and 'total_replies' for list of messages, and
 *  'member_reactions' for a specific member. it is highly recommended to use
 *  this method when you return list of messages instead of getting reactions and
 *  replies for each message.
(new SimpleChat())->messagesTotalReactions(

Check if user can view a chat or not (depends on chat's type, in groups and direct chats only members may view them and in channels it depends on allow_spectators field):

use Yeknava\SimpleChat\SimpleChat;

(new SimpleChat())->setUser($user)->cantView($chat);

Editing message by user or admin:

use Yeknava\SimpleChat\SimpleChat;

(new SimpleChat($chat))



return [
    'use_reaction' => true, // you may disable reaction feature
     *  you may disable tagging feature.
     *  message tagging automatically works on messages
     *  which have # (hashtag) in their message bodies.
    'use_tag' => true,

    'media_storage_disk' => 'local',
    'media_default_path' => storage_path('app/chat/media'),

     * there are 3 supported reaction's behaviors:
     *      - infinite: user can react as many as they want
     *          (a user may like a message many times)
     *      - per_type: user can only react once per type
     *          (a user may like a message and favorite same message as well)
     *      - once: user can only react once per message
     *          (a user may only like or favorite a message)
    'reaction_behavior' => 'once', 
    'reaction_types' => [
        1 => 'clap',
        2 => 'like',
        3 => 'favorite',

     * if false members can not react to self's messages
    'react_to_self_messages' => false


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
