
Eloquent like style for quering a JSON field in a MYSQL database

dev-master 2019-04-26 12:19 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-27 00:51:29 UTC


Eloquent like style for quering a JSON field in a MYSQL database.


Require this package, with Composer, in the root directory of your project.

$ composer require yazeedobaid/jsonable


Setup a Model


namespace App;

use YazeedObaid\Jsonable\Jsonable;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Post extends Model
    use Jsonable;

JSON Contains

Add an ANDed where clause to the query to checks if the JSON field contains text. The first argument specify the JSON column name in DB, second argument is the path in the JSON field and the third argument is the text to check if JSON field contains.

$post = Post::jsonContains('body', 'title', 'Laravel')->first();

OR JSON Contains

Add an ORed where clause to the query to checks if the JSON field contains text. The first argument specify the JSON column name in DB, second argument is the path in the JSON field and the third argument is the text to check if JSON field contains.

$post = Post::orJsonContains('body', 'title', 'Laravel')->first();

JSON Extract

Add a select field to the query to select a value from the JSON field. The first argument specify the JSON column name in DB and second argument is the path in the JSON field.

$post = Post::jsonExtract('body', 'title')->first();


Add a select field to the query to return all the keys in a JSON field. The first argument specify the JSON column name in DB.

$post = Post::jsonKeys('body')->first();

If JSON field is nested with obther JSON objects in it, you can add a second argument for the nestd JSON object to return its keys

$post = Post::jsonKeys('body', 'title')->first();

JSON Search

Search for a value in a JSON field and returns the JSON path to that value. The first argument specify the JSON column name in DB, the second argument specify to return all the found results or the first one and the third argument is the text to search for.

$post = Post::jsonSearch('body', 'one', 'Laravel')->first();
$post = Post::jsonSearch('body', 'all', 'Laravel')->first();