
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

CSS tokenizer

1.2.0 2017-12-01 08:18 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-08-15 12:30:18 UTC


PHP implementation of a CSS tokenizer. This implementation was heavily inspired by the javascript variant that was developed by https://github.com/postcss/postcss. However, the result is slightly different.


Usage of the tokenizer is pretty straight forward:

use Yannickl88\Component\CSS\Tokenizer;

$tokens = (new Tokenizer())->tokenize('span { padding: 2px; margin: 2px; }');

This is equivalent to:

$tokens = [
    new Token(Token::T_WORD, 'span', 1, 1, 1, 4),
    new Token(Token::T_WHITESPACE, ' ', 1, 5),
    new Token(Token::T_OPENCURLY, '{', 1, 6),
    new Token(Token::T_WHITESPACE, ' ', 1, 7),
    new Token(Token::T_WORD, 'padding', 1, 8, 1, 14),
    new Token(Token::T_COLON, ':', 1, 15),
    new Token(Token::T_WHITESPACE, ' ', 1, 16),
    new Token(Token::T_WORD, '2px', 1, 17, 1, 19),
    new Token(Token::T_SEMICOLON, ';', 1, 20),
    new Token(Token::T_WHITESPACE, ' ', 1, 21),
    new Token(Token::T_WORD, 'margin', 1, 22, 1, 27),
    new Token(Token::T_COLON, ':', 1, 28),
    new Token(Token::T_WHITESPACE, ' ', 1, 29),
    new Token(Token::T_WORD, '2px', 1, 30, 1, 32),
    new Token(Token::T_SEMICOLON, ';', 1, 33),
    new Token(Token::T_WHITESPACE, ' ', 1, 34),
    new Token(Token::T_CLOSECURLY, '}', 1, 35),

What you do next is entirely up to you!

Token types

If you have a token, you can access some public properties:

$token->type; // for the type
$token->chars; // for the characters
$token->lines; // array containing start and (sometimes) end line
$token->offsets; // array containing start and (sometimes) end offset

Note: Only tokens which can span multiple lines will have a second value in the lines and offsets field. These are T_WORD, T_WHITESPACE, T_STRING, T_ADWORD, and T_COMMENT.

The following types are defined:

  • T_WHITESPACE, white space characters like , \t, \n, \r and \f.
  • T_WORD, all words, like color, padding-top or 12px.
  • T_COLON, colon :.
  • T_SEMICOLON, semi-colon ;.
  • T_COMMA, comma ,.
  • T_TILDE, tilde ~.
  • T_STRING, everything between ' or " quotes, like "/path/to/my/image.jpg".
  • T_OPENBRACKET, open bracket (.
  • T_CLOSEBRACKET, close bracket ).
  • T_OPENCURLY, open curly bracket {.
  • T_CLOSECURLY, close curly bracket }
  • T_OPENSQUARE, open square bracket [.
  • T_CLOSESQUARE, close square bracket ]
  • T_ATWORD, all words that start with a @, like @media or @font-face.
  • T_COMMENT, comments, like /* comment */ or // comment.

Note: There is also T_BRACKETS, however this is only in case of parse errors that you will see this token.


Installing is pretty easy, this package is available on packagist.

$ composer require yannickl88/css-tokenizer

Or you can add this to your composer.json manually:

"require" : {
    "yannickl88/css-tokenizer" : "*@dev-master"

Note: You can use dev-master if you want the latest changes, but this is not recommended for production code!