
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

laravel develop init script

v1.1.1 2021-12-29 05:08 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-07-29 02:26:39 UTC


laravel develop init script.

  • RBAC相关代码
  • 用户手机号登录注册
  • 小程序登录注册
  • 短信验证相关功能


扩展包 一句话描述 本项目应用场景
laravel/passport Laravel Passport is an OAuth2 server and API authentication package that is simple and enjoyable to use. 用户认证
barryvdh/laravel-ide-helper This package generates helper files that enable your IDE to provide accurate autocompletion. Generation is done based on the files in your project, so they are always up-to-date. IDE开发自动补全工具
laravel-telescope Laravel Telescope is an elegant debug assistant for the Laravel framework laravel框架调试工具
laravel-horizon Horizon provides a beautiful dashboard and code-driven configuration for your Laravel powered Redis queues. Horizon allows you to easily monitor key metrics of your queue system such as job throughput, runtime, and job failures. 队列仪表盘
tucker-eric/eloquentfilter An Eloquent way to filter Eloquent Models and their relationships 字段查询筛选过滤
overtrue/laravel-lang laravel语言包 语言配置
yangliuan/generator 代码生成器 提升开发效率
propaganistas/laravel-phone 支持全球地区的手机号验证 手机号验证
overtrue/easy-sms 支持多平台的短信发送 短信发送
overtrue/wechat 微信sdk 微信开发
studio/laravel-totem Manage your Laravel Schedule from a pretty dashboard. Schedule your Laravel Console Commands to your liking. Enable/Disable scheduled tasks on the fly without going back to your code again. 定时任务管理面板


## Command list

$ php artisan dev:init //执行初始化

$ php artisan dev:reset //刷新数据和passport的证书以及配置

$ php artisan dev:refresh-rules //刷新权限路由,该命令中通过数组配置权限

## Usage

composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel project

composer require yangliuan/laravel-devinit --dev 

php artisan dev:init

#选择api用户认证方式 passport
 please choice authorization method ? [passport]:
  [0] passport
 > 0
#是否启用 passport --uuid选项 
 would you use --uuid options? (yes/no) [yes]:

#the next input must be yes!
#使用 UUID 作为  Passport Client 的主键,而不是使用自动递增的整数作为主键 ,启用--uuid选项后这一步必须要选择yes,否则会有错误提示(不影响最终结果)
 In order to finish configuring client UUIDs, we need to rebuild the Passport database tables. Would you like to rollback and re- run your last migration? (yes/no) [no]:

#用户登录方式 手机验证码登录 微信小程序登录 自定义
 please choice users login method [mobile-smscode]:
  [0] mobile-smscode
  [1] wechat-miniprogram
  [2] custom
 > 0

#选择验证码发送方式 easysms扩展包 自定义
 please choice smscode type [easysms]:
  [0] easysms
  [1] custom
 > 0

#自动安装 overtrue/laravel-lang 语言包
start install overtrue/laravel-lang
install overtrue/laravel-lang successed!

#是否安装 tucker-eric/eloquentfilter sql查询过滤
 Do you want to install barryvdh/laravel-ide-helper? [yes]:
  [0] yes
  [1] no
 > 0

 Do you want to install yangliuan/generator? [yes]:
  [0] yes
  [1] no
 > 1

 Do you want to install laravel/horizon? [yes]:
  [0] yes
  [1] no
 > 1

 Do you want to install laravel/telescope? [yes]:
  [0] yes
  [1] no
 > 1
 Do you want to install laravel-totem? [yes]:
  [0] yes
  [1] no
 > 1

#是否安装laravel ide提示工具
 Do you want to install barryvdh/laravel-ide-helper? [yes]:
  [0] yes
  [1] no
 > 0

#生成passport 个人客户端配置 回车确认
 What should we name the personal access client? [LaravelDevTest Personal Access Client]:
Personal access client created successfully.
Client ID: 93da6bff-ef83-4637-99c1-8e82f37e8ac4
clear rules...
refresh rules

## Contributing

#config/easysms.php  验证码配置 测试验证码
'no_send_smscode' => env('NO_SEND_SMSCODE', '')

#config/adminrbac.php rbac权限配置 AdminRBAC中间件跳过验证的路由 路由格式和$request->is()方法一致,支持*通配符
'except_routes' => [

#权限配置 app/Console/Commands/RefreshAdminRulesCmd.php 根据参数值区分不同路由时 'params' => 'name1=value1&name2=value2'
#pid上级权限id status是否开启验证 is_log是否记录日志 sort排序值
   'id' => 0, 'pid' => 0, 'name' => '权限名称',
   'api_http_method' => '接口请求方法', 'api_behavior' => '接口路由', 'params' => '接口参数',
   'gui_type' => 2, 'gui_behavior' => '前端路由或页面', 'status' => 0, 'is_log' => 0, 'sort' => 0

## License