
small and simple validation package inspired by laravel validation, no dependencies

v1.0 2020-03-05 11:55 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-27 07:59:47 UTC


how to install :

composer require yandjin/custom-validation

how to use

use the following namespace :

use YanDjin\Validation\CustomValidation;

the validation returns true or false :

$arrayOfData = [
    "name" => "YanDjin",
    "age" => 26

if(!CustomValidation::validateData($arrayOfData, [
    "name" => "characters",
    "age" => "numeric|min:18" // pipe the validation rules (: for parameters ) or use array "age" => ["numeric", "min" => 18]
]) {
    // returns the fields not passing the validation and the errors
    return CustomValidation::getErrorsMessagesAsString();