
This is library for mywaapi https://github.com/yama24/mywaapi

1.1.0 2022-07-11 04:59 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-23 17:52:42 UTC


This is PHP library for mywaapi


Install with composer

  composer require yama/mywaapi-php-lib



require_once __DIR__ . "/vendor/autoload.php";

use Yama\MywaapiPhpLib\Mywaapi;

$wa = new Mywaapi("http://localhost:8000/");

for send message to contact

echo $wa->sendMessage('6281292267204', 'example message');
Parameter Type Description
number string Required. 6281292267204
message string Required. example message

for information of connection

echo $wa->info();

for check the number is registered or not

echo $wa->isRegistered("6281292267204");
Parameter Type Description
number string Required. 6281292267204

for set the webhook/callback

echo $wa->setWebhook("https://webhook.site/365b1f55-5334-48e0-8380-91443516515b");
Parameter Type Description
url string Required. webhook url

for get the webhook/callback

echo $wa->getWebhook();

for send media to contact or group

echo $wa->sendMedia('6281292267204', 'example media caption', "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/6b/WhatsApp.svg/479px-WhatsApp.svg.png");
Parameter Type Description
numberOrGroupId string Required. 6281292267204 (you can use a number or group id)
caption string example media caption (you can fill with empty string)
file string Required. (you can fill it with base64 url data)

for send message to group

echo $wa->sendGroupMessage('628986182128-1627374981@g.us', 'example group message');
Parameter Type Description
id string Required. 628986182128-1627374981@g.us
message string Required. example group message

for clear all message in the chat

echo $wa->clearMessage('6281292267204');
Parameter Type Description
numberOrGroupId string Required. 6281292267204 (you can use a number or group id)

for delete chat

echo $wa->deleteChat('6281292267204');
Parameter Type Description
numberOrGroupId string Required. 6281292267204 (you can use a number or group id)

Please check this out