
Simple templating for php

v1.3 2020-06-25 10:17 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-21 00:38:53 UTC


Simple templating for PHP. You can replace strings and use basic PHP functions.

Build status

master: Build Status Coverage Status

dev: Build Status Coverage Status


The recommended way to install is via Composer:

composer require yakub/simple-templating


Simple usage

$output = \Yakub\SimpleTemplating\Replace::compile(
	'Hi {{userName}}, you selected this options {{fn.implode(', ', options)}}',
		'userName' => 'Jakub'
		'options' => [
			'PHP', 'SQL'

echo $output; // Output: "Hi Jakub, you selected this options PHP, SQL"


\Yakub\SimpleTemplating\Replace::compile($template, $scope, $flags);
  • $template - String template using syntax
  • $scope - Associative array
  • $flags - Additional options for replacing - USE_URLENCODE - Every replaced string will be encoded by rawurlencode()


Available syntax examples

String data

Scope data:

["name" => "Jakub Miškech"]
  • '{{name}}' -> 'Jakub Miškech'
  • '{{fn.strtoupper(name)}}' - 'JAKUB MIŠKECH'
  • '{{name[0]}}' - 'J'
  • '{{fn.ucwords('hello world')}}' - 'Hello World'
  • '{{fn.urlencode(name)}}' - 'Jakub+Mi%C5%A1kech'

Time data

Scope data:

["strtotimeValue" => "yesterday"]
  • '{{fn.date('Y-m-d H:i:s')}}' -> '2020-04-27 17:01:31'
  • '{{fn.time()}}' -> '1580140891'
  • '{{fn.strtotime(strtotimeValue)}}' -> '1579993200'
  • '{{fn.strtodate('yesterday')}}' -> '2020-04-26 00:00:00'
  • '{{fn.strtodate('yesterday', 'Y-m-d')}}' -> '2020-01-26'

Number data

Scope data:

["numberA" => "1.4"]
  • '{{fn.round(1.5)}}' -> '2'
  • '{{fn.round(numberA)}}' -> '1'
  • '{{fn.rand(0, 100)}}' -> '41'

Array data

Scope data:

	"map" => ["typePK" => "name"],
	"displayName" => "title",
	"values" => [1, 2, 3],
	"forExplode" => "hi,hello",
	"types" => [
		["name" => "php", "title" => "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor",
		["name" => "pg", "title" => "PostgreSQL"]
  • '{{fn.implode(', ', values)}}' -> '1, 2, 3, 4'
  • '{{values[0]}}' -> '1'
  • '{{fn.implode(', ', fn.array_column(statuses, 'title'))}}' -> 'PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor, PostgreSQL'
  • '{{fn.explode(',', forExplode)[1]}}' -> 'hello'
  • '{{statuses[0]['title']}}' -> 'PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor'
  • '{{statuses[1][displayName]}}' -> 'PostgreSQL'
  • '{{statuses[1][map.statusesPK]}}' -> 'pg'


All available function. More in php.net

  • Number

    • round, rand, pow, floor, abs
  • Date time

    • time, date, gmdate, strtotime, strtodate*
  • Array

    • explode, implode, array_column, array_push, array_merge
  • String

    • trim, strlen, substr, strpos, strstr, sprintf, ucfirst, ucwords, strtoupper, strtolower, strip_tags, str_replace, urlencode, rawurlencode

Arithmetic operators

Arithmetic operators are used with numeric values to perform common arithmetical operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Scope data:

["done" => 9, "total" => 100, "float" => "5.4" ]
  • '{{1 + 2}}' -> '3'
  • '{{1 + 2 * 3}}' -> '7'
  • '{{(1 + 2) * 3}}' -> '9'
  • '{{(1.2 + 2,4) * float}}' -> '19.44'
  • '{{fn.round((done / total)*100, 2)}} %' -> '9 %'


Syntax allow use inline condition with using logical and comparison operators.

Scope data:

["success" => true, "ok" => "ok", "notOk" => "not ok" ]
  • '{{(success) ? ok : notOk)}}' -> 'ok'
  • '{{(! success) ? ok : notOk)}}' -> 'not ok'
  • '{{1 && (0 || success) ? ok : notOk)}}' -> 'ok'
  • '{{1 > 0 && 1 < 1 ? ok : notOk)}}' -> 'not ok'


You can use this syntax to get access to object value. This work only when you use in template one replacing syntax. Value will be stored in onlyOneParamValue attribute.

$output = \Yakub\SimpleTemplating\Replace::compile(
		"types" => [
			["name" => "php", "title" => "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor",
			["name" => "pg", "title" => "PostgreSQL"]

echo $output; // Output: "" array isn't transformed to string
echo json_encode($output->onlyOneParamValue); // Output: "{"name":"pg","title":"PostgreSQL"}"