
Laravel API Resource Base

v4.1.3 2024-12-08 16:19 UTC


This base will help to create simple API (CRUD) for 1 specific entity


composer require yaangvu/laravel-base

For Laravel

Publish configuration file and Base Classes

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="YaangVu\LaravelBase\Providers\BaseServiceProvider"

For lumen

cp vendor/yaangvu/laravel-base/src/config/laravel-base.php config/laravel-base.php
mkdir -p app/Base
cp vendor/yaangvu/laravel-base/src/Base/Publish/Controller.php app/Base/Controller.php
cp vendor/yaangvu/laravel-base/src/Base/Publish/Service.php app/Base/Service.php

Generator Command

If you want to use Generator Command, Add the following class to the providers array in config/app.php:


If you want to manually load it only in non-production environments, instead you can add this to your AppServiceProvider with the register() method:

  public function register()
      if ($this->app->isLocal()) {
      // ...

Initial API resource

Generate code

php artisan yaangvu:base Post <option>


  • -S: generate code with default Swagger annotation
  • -i: Auto inject Service in Controller methods

Directory structure of generated code

├── app
│   ├── Domains
│   │   └── Post
│   │       ├── Controllers
│   │       │   └── PostController.php
│   │       ├── Models
│   │       │   └── Post.php
│   │       └── Services
│   │           └── PostService.php


Route::base('/posts', \App\Domains\Post\Controllers\PostController::class);


Dynamic query parameters

Operators supported

        = [
            '__gt' => OperatorConstant::GT, // Greater than
            '__ge' => OperatorConstant::GE, // Greater than or equal
            '__lt' => OperatorConstant::LT, // Less than
            '__le' => OperatorConstant::LE, // Less than or equal
            '__~'  => OperatorConstant::LIKE // Like

To query, you can add more params with format:

{param-name}{operator} = {value}


  1. username = admin ----> username equal admin
  2. name__~ = super ----> name like %super%
  3. age__gt = 18 ----> age gather than 18

Full request example

Request to query user with username=admin and name LIKE %super% and age > 18

curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:8000/api/v1/users?username=admin&name__~=super&age__gt=18'

Validate before Add an entity

Support full Laravel validation: Validation

class UserService extends BaseService
    public function storeRequestValidate(object $request, array $rules = []): bool|array
        $rules = [
            'username' => 'required|max:255|unique:users',

        return parent::storeRequestValidate($request, $rules);

Validate before Update an entity

Support full Laravel validation: Validation

class UserService extends BaseService
    public function updateRequestValidate(int|string $id, object $request, array $rules = []): bool|array
        $rules = [
            'username' => 'required|max:255|unique:users,id',
        return parent::updateRequestValidate($id, $request, $rules);

Service Observe

It supports these observe function:

  1. function postAdd()
  2. function postUpdate()
  3. function postDelete()
  4. function postGet()
  5. function postGetAll()

Cache data

If you want to cache data when create update select, implement ShouldCache interface

class UserService extends BaseService implements \YaangVu\LaravelBase\Base\Contract\ShouldCache