
Tool for managing events and logs. Collect, transform, stash with inputs, filters and outputs

1.1 2023-11-03 12:16 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-06 11:37:59 UTC


Event and Log Management Tool. Data processing pipeline created in PHP. Efficiently collect, parse, and transform logs. Highly customizable and extensible for your needs.


  • PHP >= 8


Using skeleton




Entrypoint of flux is Machine. Machine have programs and finishes.


Program has unique name, starts, inputs, filters, outputs, stops.


Each starts is called at beging of program. They are designed to prepare data. An example of start can be a rsync which will download data from an external server to a local folder or unpack an archive. See: Start


Next each input is called. Input generates a entry of type string. Each generated entry is individually and immediately passed to filters. An example input can be a generator that generates an entry from each line of file. See: Input


Entry is passed into each filter. Filter can modify the entry. Filter can return null then the entry will not be further processed. See: Filter


Entry returned from filters is passed to each output. An example output can append the entry to file. See: Output


Each stop is called at end of program. A clean up can be done in stop. See: Stop


Machine have finishse. Finishes are called after the desired program/programs are executed. It is similar to stop but for machine. See: Finish

SetUp and TearDown

Starts, inputs, filters, outputs and stops can implement SetUp, TearDown interfaces.

SetUp is used at the beginning of program startup before starts are called.

TearDown is used at the end of program execution after each stop is called.

Built-in components





require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Xtompie\Flux\Core\Machine;
use Xtompie\Flux\Core\Program;
use Xtompie\Flux\Filter\OnceFilter;
use Xtompie\Flux\Input\LinesInput;
use Xtompie\Flux\Output\FileOutput;
use Xtompie\Flux\Start\RsyncStart;
use Xtompie\Flux\Stop\CountFileLinesStop;

    program: [
            name: 'default',
            start: RsyncStart::new('user@*', 'var/default/input'),
            input: LinesInput::new('var/default/input/'),
            filter: OnceFilter::new('var/default/once/'),
            output: FileOutput::new('log/default.log'),
            stop: CountFileLinesStop::new('log/default.log'),

Then in shell php flux.php runall.

Programs can be run by:

  • Machine->runAllPrograms()
  • Machine->runProgram(string $name)
  • Machine->run - then machine reads shell arguments
    • runall - runs all programs e.g. php flux.php runall
    • run <program-name> - run prgoram by name e.g.php flux.php run default

Log monitor example

Application that will collect logs from many application or serwers.




require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Xtompie\Flux\Core\Machine;
use Xtompie\Flux\Core\Program;
use Xtompie\Flux\Filter\OnceFilter;
use Xtompie\Flux\Input\LinesInput;
use Xtompie\Flux\Output\FileOutput;
use Xtompie\Flux\Start\RsyncStart;
use Xtompie\Flux\Finish\CountFilesLinesFinish;

    program: [
            name: 'aaa',
            start: RsyncStart::new('user@aaa.example.ccom:/var/logs/nginx/aaa.errorlog', 'var/aaa/input'),
            input: LinesInput::new('var/aaa/input/'),
            filter: OnceFilter::new('var/aaa/once/'),
            output: FileOutput::new('log/aaa.log'),
            name: 'bbb',
            start: RsyncStart::new('user@bbb.example.ccom:/var/logs/nginx/bbb.errorlog', 'var/bbb/input'),
            input: LinesInput::new('var/bbb/input/'),
            filter: OnceFilter::new('var/bbb/once/'),
            output: FileOutput::new('log/bbb.log'),
    finish: CountFilesLinesFinish::new('log/'),

Then in shell php flux.php runall.

With OnceFilter the log/ directory will bahave like inbox. Only new entries will be stored in log/. Entries from log/ can be manually deleted. CountFilesLinesFinish will tell how meany new entries are in log/.

Project tool example

Tool in project that will help track application error from test and prod server.

Create folder tools/log in project root directory. cd tools/log. composer require xtompie/flux This will output:

No composer.json in current directory, do you want to use the one at ../../? [Y,n]? Type n. This should create composer.json, composer.lock and vendor. Create .gitignore with contents:


Create flux.php and modify it for your needs:



require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Xtompie\Flux\Core\Machine;
use Xtompie\Flux\Core\Program;
use Xtompie\Flux\Filter\OnceFilter;
use Xtompie\Flux\Input\LinesInput;
use Xtompie\Flux\Output\FileOutput;
use Xtompie\Flux\Start\RsyncStart;
use Xtompie\Flux\Stop\CountFileLinesStop;

        name: $name = 'dev',
        start: RsyncStart::new('user@host-dev:/var/log/nginx/application.error.log', "var/$name/input"),
        input: LinesInput::new("var/$name/input/"),
        filter: OnceFilter::new("var/$name/once/"),
        output: FileOutput::new("log/$name.log"),
        stop: CountFileLinesStop::new("log/$name.log"),
        name: $name = 'test',
        start: RsyncStart::new('user@host-prod:/var/log/nginx/application.error.log', "var/$name/input"),
        input: LinesInput::new("var/$name/input/"),
        filter: OnceFilter::new("var/$name/once/"),
        output: FileOutput::new("log/$name.log"),
        stop: CountFileLinesStop::new("log/$name.log"),

Then in project root directory in composer.json add scripts:

    "scripts": {
        "log-dev": "cd tools/log && composer install && php flux.php run dev",
        "log-test": "cd tools/log && composer install && php flux.php run test",

Now from your project root directory with composer log-dev u can easily fetch new error logs.