
XSolve PHPUnit SkelGen Bundle to improve creating test cases for PHPUnit

Installs: 10 786

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 8

Watchers: 71

Forks: 2


v1.0.0 2013-09-02 14:01 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-22 12:46:37 UTC



Build Status


This bundle helps with PHPUnit test suites creation by using phpunit-skelgen (Skeleton Generator)


  • creates test suite class respectively to given namespace (for instance Controller/DemoController.php will have test in Test/Controller/DemoControllerTest.php)
  • asterisks and dots pattern matching - it will create test suites for every matching class in found directory
  • fully TDD capable - creates production classes based on test suite class
  • easy to extend and introduce changes in the future

Example usage


  1. Add to composer.json

    "require": { "xsolve-pl/xsolve-unit-skelgen-bundle": "1.0.*" }

  2. Install dependencies

    composer install

  3. Enable the bundle in app/AppKernel.php

    public function registerBundles() { return array( // ... new Xsolve\UnitSkelgenBundle\XsolveUnitSkelgenBundle(), ); }


Generate PHPUnit test class for a single production class:

app/console xsolve:skelgen:test Xsolve/ExampleBundle/Controller/DefaultController

Generate PHPUnit test class for a namespace:

app/console xsolve:skelgen:test Xsolve/ExampleBundle/Controller/.

Nice matching! It will create tests for DefaultControllers in all the bundles:

app/console xsolve:skelgen:test Xsolve/*/Controller/DefaultController

Using the same patterns you can generate production classes from test classes:

app/console xsolve:skelgen:class Xsolve/ExampleBundle/Tests/Controller/DefaultControllerTest