
XSolve Google Auth Bundle to provide signing in to FOSUserBundle with Google Auth

dev-master 2015-04-08 12:16 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-11 07:07:21 UTC


This bundle allows user to sign in via Google Auth 2.0 API to FOSUserBundle.

It includes:

  • Google API integration
  • Creating new user when it's necessary
  • Signing in


  1. Install and configure FOSUserBundle


  2. Add to composer.json

    "require": { "xsolve-pl/xsolve-google-auth-bundle": "1.0.*" },

  3. Install dependencies

    composer install

  4. Run the bundle in app/AppKernel.php

    public function registerBundles() { return array( // ... new Xsolve\GoogleAuthBundle\XsolveGoogleAuthBundle(), ); }

  5. Add to routing.yml

    xsolve_google_auth: resource: "@XsolveGoogleAuthBundle/Controller/" type: annotation prefix: /

  6. Register your service in https://code.google.com/apis/console/b/0/ an configure parameters.yml and add

    xsolve_google_auth: name: Xsolve test application client_id: "4429041xxxx.apps.googleusercontent.com" client_secret: "xrAbfJ7wmOBZbYU3TyDxxxxx" redirect_uri: "http://testapp.xsolve.pl/oauth2callback" dev_key: xsolvetestapplication

     success_authorization_redirect_url: _welcome
     failure_authorization_redirect_url: _welcome
        -  profile
        -  email
     autoregistration: false
     autoregistration_domains: []
  7. Add access controls to security.yml

    access_control: - { path: ^/oauth2callback, role: IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY } - { path: ^/googleauthlogin, role: IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY }


After configuring a bundle you can go to /oauth2callback page and the browser should redirect to google access page.

Configuration options

Configuration can be adjusted in app/config/config.yml

    name: Xsolve test application #name of application from google console
    client_id: "4429041xxxx.apps.googleusercontent.com" #client id of application from google console
    client_secret: "xrAbfJ7wmOBZbYU3TyDxxxxx" #client secret key of application from google console
    redirect_uri: "http://testapp.xsolve.pl/oauth2callback" #redirect uri of application from google console
    dev_key: xsolvetestapplication #your developmnent's application name from google console

    scopes: #data which application needs from google API
       -  profile
       -  email

    success_authorization_redirect_url: _welcome #url key inside Symfony where user should be redirected after successful sign in
    failure_authorization_redirect_url: _welcome #url key inside Symfony where user should be redirected after failure sign in

    autoregistration: false #true|false - if false than user will be registered into system automaticaly
    autoregistration_domains:  #array may be empty. If autoregistration is true you can allow to register users only from selected domains
       - xsolve.pl

Add link to Twig template

Add this link to your Twig template to force login action with Google OAuth 2.0 :

<a href="{{ path('xsolve_googleauth_googleauthorization_authorization') }}">Login with Google</a>


<a href="{{ path('xsolve_googleauth_googleauthorization_authorization_1') }}">Login with Google</a>